College English Project

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College English Project

College English Project

College English Project

Essence of a Doll House, Cathedral, Story of an Hour, and Hills like a White Elephant

These plays delineate the lives of oppressed women by accurately expounding how women in the nineteenth-century were treated by their husbands. They had no respect, and they were treated as dolls that can be called by pet name. They were treated as dumpster to rid of anger and frustration (Gaskell, 1998). Women in the nineteenth century were not allowed to have their own financial security. In order to survive, they had to rely on their fathers or husbands, and if their men were not wealthy enough, they were out of luck.


This piece of literature shocked original readers with its progressive ideas about the traditional roles of men and women in the nineteenth century marriage. It demonstrated the gender inequality that women had to suffer, their financial and emotional dependence, and their desire for freedom. Although women today have access to education and work, and they do not have to face the same problems that were faced by the character, they are still fighting an uphill battle. This battle is for the fundamental equality: equal pay and equal opportunity for promotion. The “glass ceiling” is still standing, which is waiting for another wave of feminism to crack it down.

Nora left her husband in the Doll House because she was not treated well. Along with her husband, she also left her children. This step taken was quite contrary to a role of a woman. She should have planned, and implement a different strategy. These classical novels criticize the conditions of society. The authors criticize the church and religion, schools and morality in business.

Both characters in the short story portray the character in a feeling of their past life. Both had various precious memories of life in the past. Miss Emily use to be an immensely lively person but her character has transformed after the death of her father. The boy was involved in the love with his friend's sister. He recalls his days and in this process he came to know myriad things about himself.

We see every day how parents from dysfunctional families are the same example for their children by promoting hatred of the other parent. And not only parents but sometimes even members of the extended family of these children. The preparation from childhood to marriage, as a ...
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