Cognitive Psychology

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Cognitive psychology, contrary to popular belief did not originate in the sixties, but much earlier as a discipline of experimental psychology and evolutionary psychology. Cognitive psychology is a branch of psychology that deals with the processes through which the individual obtains knowledge of the world and takes awareness of their surroundings, and their results. The construction meant that the memory used to observe patterns and classify information, so much as a process of reinterpretation active. The subsequent reorganization of the experience of schemes allows the development of memory and the events are remembered differently reconstructed according to the extension of the schemes. The development process starts from sensory motor schemes where knowledge is linked to the action directly, and ending with diagrams of the operations which have made ??formal levels of abstraction detached from the immediate experience.


Cognitive psychology is concerned with the study of processes such as language, perception, memory, reasoning and problem resolution. It is this process, not a direct stimulus that determines our behavior. From this perspective, to Jean Piaget, children actively construct their world by interacting with it (Sternberg, 2002). Bruner, for example, explicitly rejects the notion of developmental stages, however, argues that different modes of processing and representing information are emphasized during different periods of the child's life. He argues that, during the early years, the important role physical manipulation "is mainly to know how to do, and there is a minimum reflection" (Bruner, 1966). During the second period it reaches a peak between 5 and 7 years, the emphasis shifts to individual reflection and becomes more capable of representing internal aspects of the environment. During the third period, which generally coincides with adolescence, the thinking becomes increasingly abstract and language-dependent (Gilbert, 1998). The individual acquires an ability to deal with both propositions as objects.

Knowledge representation and organization

Cognitive Psychology has only a short history as an independent science theme, method and tools but that the amount of knowledge accumulated by this section through a group of scientists multidisciplinary, had taken all aspects of human knowledge in general, and helped by the mainly among other factors, new discoveries and the task in the field of brain science and knowledge of nerve (Sternberg, 2002).

This knowledge has not been subject to scientific study in psychology but since the odd and only thirty years (Sternberg, 1995). Nevertheless, it can be considered knowledge a variety of preparations and mental abilities such as the study of understanding, comprehension, imagination and memory, governance, appreciation and reasoning and thinking (Hewstone and Stroebe, 1996).

Is the process of extracting information from sensory experiences, coding, and organization and annexed to what is stored in a memory representation of knowledge. It is each member of the environmental different way than others (Manstead, 1995). The start of this research indicates a strong presumption that the mental processes exist, and it is governed by the laws of the Organization of events and can be studied and reveals their nature and determines the rules governing ...
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