Cognitive And Biological Psychology

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Cognitive and Biological Psychology

Cognitive and Biological Psychology


Nature has equipped us with different senses that enable us to obtain information from the environment through our organs i.e. nose, eyes, ears etc. These organs are a part a structured system of sensory neurons, enabling the brain to receive to information in the form of sensory inputs. This may sound easy, but in fact it's a much more complex process that even well known psychologists finds it difficult to explain. There has been a difference of opinion between many professionals over how the perceptual experiences are formed on the basis of physical energy being converted and transmitted by the sensory organs. Inputs in the form of senses are transformed into different perceptions of buildings, desks, television, and perfumes; into experiences of smells, sounds, taste, sight and touch.

Main point of argument is the degree to which these perceptions depend on the stimulus and information stored in it. This is where many psychologists differ in opinions. Others argue that it depends on the expectations of the perceiver and also on the previous knowledge and information present in the stimulus. In short they said that the process of perception is not direct.

These controversies were presented and discussed in light of the two theories presented by Gibson (1966) proposing a “Direct theory of Perceptions” also known as a “Bottom up theory”. Second was the “Top Down theory” proposed by Gregory (1970), known as the Constructivist Direct theory. Thus psychologists differentiate between these two processes in terms of perception i.e. bottom-up and top-down processing.

Bottom up processing is when the perceptions starts with the stimulus. This can also be called as data driven process. This is because the entire process is one dimensional, as the information flow is to the visual cortex directly from the retina. During the process, complex steps are taking place in each stage of the pathway.

The other process can be defined as recognizing pattern with the help of contextual information. This is what top-down approach is. This can be better explained with the example of reading difficult handwritings, it is said that it's easier to understand it when read in complete sentences, because the context of the sentence makes it easier for the brain to understand it rather than reading it in a single word form (Chomsky, N., 1959).


Visual Pathways

A visual pathway can be described as a vast network of nerves' conveying the light that strikes the eyes and transmits information in the form of electrical and chemical signals. Signals are then carried out via the optic nerve that indicates motion, colour or brightness from retina. This information or signals are then sent to the thalamus, which is a relay centre in the mid brain. Neurones are then transferred to brain's occipital lobe which is a visual cortex of the brain. Here the lobe accumulates it in the form of visual charts of the visual field of the eyes. The neurones in the visual cortex converts and moderate ...
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