Code Of Ethics For Human Resource Personnel

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Code of Ethics for Human Resource Personnel

Code of Ethics for Human Resource Personnel


This paper intends to explore the significance of code of ethics for human resource professionals. The profession within human resources is becoming popular day by day and since the profession directly deals with the human beings; there is an immense need to have comprehensive code of ethics for human resource professionals. Ethics is considerably important for every field and proper implication of code of ethics is equally important in order to make sure that the professionals do not cross the ethical and professional boundaries they have been bounded in. This paper will provide me an opportunity to practice and improve my research and writing skills and both are extremely significant to today's educational and professional world. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about the significance of code of ethics for human resource professionals. In this regard; various peer reviewed articles will be gathered and observed in order to become familiar with the trends of the industry.


The profession of human resources is becoming popular in the world and the underlying significance of the profession has made the people aware about the fact this profession is extremely important. The concept of human resources in developed from the concept of 'personnel' since the activity involves in dealing with employees cater a lot more than just paying monthly salaries and other benefits (Ciotta, 2011). This concept gained its popularity because this reveals that employees of any organization are its most important asset. Managing human resources properly leads to the attainment of organizational goals more effectively. Organizations must make this resource feel satisfied while working with them and must take every possible step in order to retain the quality human resources. Whereas the concept of human resources management refers to an activity that is performed by organizations in order to recruit and manage their workforce. This function provides the freedom to employees in order to make their directions in accordance with the organizational goals (Michael, 2010).

Effective human resource practices are assumed to be one of the most important aspects of any organization that works for growing itself and its employees together. In today's competitive business environment, companies tend to gain competitive advantage through employing quality human resources. Having unique and appropriate human resource strategies based on internal strengths and weakness in order to take advantage of external opportunities and avoid threats make companies to succeed (Ioan, 2011). Strategic planning and management becomes the most important aspect in this context. Starting with the human resource planning, it is the most important task that the human resource department of any company must undertake in order to plan for the future human resource requirements (Ciotta, 2011).

Organization is an independent identity of a business and its purpose to attain a desired objective. If an organization is able to achieve its desired results with the help of available resources then we can call such organization as an Effective Organization (Nohria, Groysberg & ...
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