Coca-Cola Business Report

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Coca-Cola Business Report


Coca-Cola is the largest retailer of beverages in the world. There are many reasons behind the success. Marketing strategies adopted by the company across various markets is one such reason. The company is very active in terms of marketing, and although it has made mistakes, the future seems bright and vows for a comprehensive win.


Product and branding strategies3

Pricing strategies4

Supply chain strategies5

Promotional strategy6

Next Big Hit6

Battle for Everything7

London Olympics 20128

Woe remedies8

Presence in global markets9

Customer relationship management (CRM)9

Market segmentation14

Geographic profile14

Demographical profile14

Psychographic Profile14

Behavioral Profile15

Promotional activities and integration of IMC tools15



Coca-Cola Business Report


International business is more complex in managing and conducting as compare to domestic business. International business varies from domestic business in various ways which can be either difference in culture among both nations, deviations in business practices, varying political systems, customer heterogeneity around markets, mobility of raw maters and factor of production is low, varying currency differences are the main concern which differentiate international businesses from domestic business (Anonyms, 2010). These factors are regarded to be crucial and which makes international businesses highly complex and a difficult task.

Cultural difference is one of the major aspect which differentiate international business from domestic business which will not only makes business cost of running in global arena expensive but it will also results into business failure. Initiating up a business requires complete understanding of other hosting countries cultural practices in order to gain maximum market shares from it. Starting a business in international arena is not an easy task; it requires assessing several factors. In most cases, a businessman focused on technical aspects of business, whereas, cultural aspects are being ignored. A good business plan should kept into consideration of cultural difference and people or country should be engaged in prosper of business. In case, domestic countries people are not willing to work with their business it will give rise to varying cultural differences. An entrepreneur is required to be well aware of intercultural communication differences in order to address it correctly with potential buyers and suppliers and foster relations that are essential for any business.

Real-world International business chosen on order to highlight cultural differences issues in hosting countries is of “Coca Cola Company socio-cultural issues in India”. This paper will explain in detail varying cultural differences and other issues which Coca Coal faced while expanding its business in India and it will suggest proposed solution that can be taken in our views.

Coca-Cola is one of the global companies and ranks in the list of most recognized brands across the globe. The company, which has its headquarters in America, started off as a beverage manufacturer and retailer back in the year 1886 with its flagship brand Coca-Cola. Today, the public limited corporation has a much wider portfolio of products ranging from carbonated drinks to concentrates and non-alcoholic syrups. Creativity and innovation is embedded in the very culture of the organization, and if there is one thing that has achieved the company all the success it enjoys today it is its customer ...
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