Club It

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A business plan describes how you will go to your new company or implement changes in to your existing business. This is the stage where most entrepreneurs fail; they have rarely done one before and are not technically prepared for their development. In addition to providing guidance for developing the future business, the business plan is important to determine the resources required. It is essential for the development of the next steps (Benady and Simonian, 2005). This first stage helps to account for the resources we have at present. Then, help us to categorize resources in order of importance, distinguishing those that are critical to business performance of those who are only useful as well as measuring the risks that arise when resources are insufficient or inadequate. The purpose of this paper is to design a business plan for a leading night club to reach its excellence in providing quality services to its clientele so as to grasp the market. 

Discussion & Analysis

Organization Description and Demographic Information

Ruben and Lisa are the owners of club IT. In 2005, after completion of their graduation in Business Administration, they came to a decision to pursue their dream of opening a nightclub. In their student life, by working as musicians, they supported themselves. Jazz violin was played by Lisa while Ruben did drums playing. A lot about nightclub operations were learnt by them from their music experiences, as well as business theories acquired from their studies. The mission statement of club IT is as under:

Mission Statement

"We, Ruben and Lisa, offer you live music, DJ's, dance space and refreshments that suit your lifestyle. You are our friends, and we seek to build a community that meets regularly at Club IT." (Wiley Higher Education, 2006)

The noteworthy clients of service offered at Club IT engrosses young professionals that do not have kids, students, teenagers, tourists, and business trekkers. Many single adults and young couples into the area are brought by because of the presence of entertainment infrastructures (that is movie theaters) nearby, hence, this clientele is appealed by Club IT as before and after the movies, a place is needed by them to eat and drink. In addition, the nightclub provides entertainment switching and it turns out to be more tempting as it tangles later with the evening. College students are also appealed by the music offered at Club IT. Club IT has got the opportunity through this tittle-tattle to increase its revenues from this segment. Tourists and business travelers are also attracted by Club IT, who are visiting the city. Through direct marketing to local hotels and motels, at very fast pace, this clientele can grow. (Palo Alto Software Inc., 2009)

Information resources include “all the hardware, software (information systems and applications), data and networks in an organization” (Rainer & Turban, 2008). A remarkable role is played by applications within an organization; certainly, an organization may completely shut down, often when these applications are not working properly.

The effective management of information systems is very crucial ...
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