Cloud Computing - Accounting Systems

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Cloud Computing - Accounting Systems

Cloud Computing - Accounting Systems


In the current era, technological development has brought various changes in every field of life. These changes have enabled people to bring ease and convenience in their work procedures while ensuring the integrity of their work operations. While considering all technologies, the technology of cloud computing is considered as one of the greatest technologies which have brought various innovations in every area of life. According to recent researches and studies, the technology of cloud computing has greatly revolutionized business practices (Goundar, 2012, pp. 217-222).

Since the technology is part of the administrative and productive organizations, there is a need to somehow protect this logical information. All innovations technology were necessarily accompanied by improvements on your form of protection, mainly by the current need for availability is not enough to have the information saved in case of loss, but also the speed to publish it again. In times of minimum tolerance to failures, there is a need to protect information and systems with various methods. Cloud computing concept discussed in this article in order to explain its features and future tests their actual feasibility regarding the availability and performance.

Over the past few years in the field of information technology (IT) has evolved a new paradigm cloud computing. Although cloud computing. It is just a special way to provide computing resources, not a new technology; they have caused a revolution in the methods of providing information and services (Armbrust, 2010, pp., 50-58).

Initially, IT was dominated by mainframes. Over time, this gave way to a rigid configuration of the client-server model. Modern IT industry is becoming more mobile, pervasive, and, of course, the cloud. But this revolution, like any other, contains old components from which it evolved.

Thus, to properly understand cloud computing, we must remember that they are, in fact, genetically inherit the previous system. In many ways the watershed change means "back to the future" and not the final completion of the past. In this amazing new world of cloud computing is the place for innovative co-cloud technology and the proven effectiveness of previous systems such as powerful mainframes. This is a genuine change of approach to computing offers IT staff a huge opportunity, allowing changes to take control of yourself and use them for the benefit of yourself and your organization (Armbrust, 2010, pp., 50-58).

Cloud Computing

The essence of the concept of cloud computing is to provide end users with remote access to a dynamic, computing resources and applications (including operating systems and infrastructure) through the Internet. Development of the host had arisen due to the need for the software and digital services, which could be operated from the inside but that, would be with a more economical and efficient through economies of scale. Most service providers offer cloud computing in the form of VPS-hosting, virtual hosting and software-as-a-service (SAAS). Cloud Services has long provided in the form of SAAS, for example, Microsoft Hosted Exchange and SharePoint.

Cloud computing is a comprehensive solution that provides IT ...
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