Cloud Computing

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Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing


Cloud computing is considered as one of the most advanced and innovative technologies. Cloud computing utilizes several computing resources including software and hardware, that are transmitted as a service over any network, for instance, internet. Cloud computing is referred as 'cloud computing' because of its cloud like structure. The infrastructure of cloud is one of the most complex infrastructures that may contain several components in a single diagram. The infrastructure of cloud computing relies on all the components and services except that of user's data, computation and software. Cloud allows its users to access its different features and applications, through web browsers or mobile applications. In addition to this, it also allows the organizations and businesses to save the user's information or different software of business on the remote servers (Cavoukian, 2008).

According to technology researchers, the technology of cloud computing allows the businesses to minimize their infrastructure cost. Furthermore, it also allows the businesses to modernize and revolutionized their applications along with improved quality and speed. Moreover, the technology of cloud computing also offers various ways to the IT organizations in order to enhance their functionality or IT capacity without incorporating additional personnel, software or infrastructure. Proceeding paper incorporates the implementation of cloud technology within the organization, Media Ink, Inc. All the benefits that are expected with the implementation of this technology are also incorporated in this study. Furthermore, the study also incorporates the business structure, competitive advantages and the brief analysis of the market (Fenn,, 2009).


Cloud Computing

The technology of cloud computing is one of the greatest and the most prominent addition in today's era of technology. This technology significantly helps organizations to enhance and improve their business operations. In addition to this, cloud computing also allows the organizations to minimize their capital cost while enhancing the accessibility of confidential information. The overall structure of the cloud is one of the most complicated and complex structure. It is because of the reason that, it incorporates large number of components in a single diagram. Furthermore, the technology of cloud computing allows the organizations and businesses to reduce the manageability and maintenance of the applications and assures the hassle free operations throughout the organizations. In addition to this, cloud computing helps the organizations and businesses to face the risks and challenges within the organizational operations. This technology allows the businesses to ensure the timely availability of their information while ensuring the minimized and reduced cost of the infrastructure (Gartner, 2009).

Company Over-View

Media Ink Inc. is one of the greatest and the most prominent organizations of the region. The organization deals with the several other organizations and companies. |In this scenario, the organization needs to ensure the integrity, availability and confidentiality of the information. The organization also tends to minimize and reduce the capital cost of their infrastructure. In this situation the organization, Media Ink Inc. needs to implement the technology of cloud computing within their working environment in order to ensure the smooth operations of the ...
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