Clinical Supervision

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Comparative Case for Clinical Supervision

For the purpose of this course, a DVD was shown in which the role of a Clinical Supervisor and displayed the tasks and the environment faced in an ideal situation. The essay contained herein will attempt to compare the situation displayed in the DVD to my field experience as a Peer Clinical Supervisor, and draw the similarities and differences between both the scenarios.

A clinical supervisor is a staff person who is assigned so the supervisee can acquire the experience needed to become an independent professional. A clinical supervisor is described by the role which aids the growth and conduct of designated supervisees by way of training, proficiency improvement, attitude, and clinical services.

Another study concludes that a clinical supervisor is a qualified clinical professional who provides constantly observes and evaluates supervisee's work with clients (Haynes et. al, 2003).

I am working at a nursing home for the elderly, and we have residents suffering from many ailments connected with old age, including dementia and diabetes. It has been observed that the frequency of falls and the resultant related injuries rises progressively in case of the elderly.

Currently a client who has Dementia has fallen out of bed and I am going to have a meeting with their family as they may think it is the fault of the nursing home staff even though they have one of their best to take care of the client.

Falls should be taken seriously in case of older people as it can cause serious injuries, fractures, lacerations and even death. As such, prevention of accidental falls is of great importance, generally, and especially in nursing homes and hospitals (Ellis and Hartley, 2004).

Clinical supervision enables professionals to attain competence and knowledge; assume responsibility; and enhance patient safety in complex situations (DH, 1993).

Clinical supervision is also imperative as a supporting utility for clinical governance by way of quality, Risk, and performance management along with, systems of accountability.

It provides a structured approach to deeper reflection on clinical practice. This can lead to improvements in practice and client care, and contribute to clinical risk management.

The Supervisor

I need to work on my interpersonal communication as it is one the essential requirement to strengthen and improve clinical supervision. Since, it is not only the responsibility of the supervisor to build on validation, empathy and nurturance but my responsibility too. In order to do so, I must assess and review my own personality that includes strengths and weaknesses, motivation, openness, honesty, self reflecting, able to receive and give constructive feedback, able to accept responsibility for own practice and able to generate ideas for action (Hill, et al. 2005, pp. 196 - 205). I must ensure informed content at the start of the supervisory relationship. It should include my availability (meeting location and time or unavailability). Informed content is also my responsibility too as a supervisee; I need to make certain that no information is intentionally hidden regarding me. By doing so, it facilitates in enhancing the process of clinical ...
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