Clinical Context And Case Study

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Clinical Context and Case Study

Clinical Context and Case Study


Psychological treatment of patients is indeed one of the most difficult tasks that any psychologist has to executive. The reason behind this is that every patient represents an entirely different picture of life with millions of tangled thoughts and personality types mixed together simultaneously. Moreover, in order to ensure that the patients actually receive the type of care they require; a psychologist needs to deeply evaluate the patients' personalities and to develop a predesigned plan of action in advance (Goldstein & Hersen, 2000). In order to better understand about how psychologists evaluate different individuals and how they perform the required tests and treatments; an in depth discussion regarding the relevant factors is required.


One of the most renowned beliefs in psychology is that the history of a patient majorly reveals the type of diagnosis required. It is even said that the best way to develop a plan of action and a type of required diagnosis is to simply listen to the patient with a clear mind and an open heart. However, in order to reveal a patient's history, an excellent communicative relation is required between a patient and his/her doctor. Moreover, in many cases the patients do not actually come to psychologists looking for a treatment but are simply seeking counseling sessions where they could discuss their problems.

It is very much necessary to understand the history of the patient and what the patient is seeking, before starting the diagnosis or treatment planning procedure. As far as the highlighted clients are concerned, the following considerations should be kept in mind with regards to the patient history and context.

Family History

Family History is one of the most important factors which contribute towards the development of a psychological profile of any person. There are many reasons behind this assumption including a person's genetic link with his/her family, the family environment in which he/she has grown up and most importantly the relationship between the family members to which the person belongs. Therefore, in the case of the mentioned clients, the family status would be checked in depth (Murphy & Davidshofer, 1991).

Relationship Status and Condition

Relationship status comes in the runner up position in the list of important things to consider when it comes to developing a client profile. Therefore as far as the married or divorced clients are concerned, a deep insight would be required in their personal lives to check how they cope up around people. By doing so, the psychologist might get the chance to highlight one or more of the variables related to the stress faced by the clients in the case. Moreover, until and unless the relationship status of these people is not correctly understood; a proper case could not be developed.

Past Conviction or Criminal History

Checking the conviction or criminal history of the clients is very important because if a person has a history of being involved in criminal activities, there are chances that the person might have been psychologically diagnosed ...
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