City County Proposal

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City County Proposal

City County Proposal


City of Kelsey is a great and for any business to grow. It was founded in 1932 by M. Kelsey with a vision to enhance and preserve the natural and the scenic beauty and to maintain a united community. The city is not different from any other city as it also has schools, businesses, government, citizens, transportation, recreation and parks etc. The city provides great investment opportunities for many businesses and an efficient range of infrastructure. Due to the stability of the political conditions of the city and the high standard of living, it can be a potential growth location for any businesses.


In order to boom the recreational and economic growth in the city, our business will consider several factors for example the needs and demands of the stake holders, an appropriate design that enables effective communication and the legal regulations and policies that influence the growth.

Stakeholder Needs and Demands

Our business will cater to the most common needs and demands of the stakeholders. As most of the citizens are not aware about the sports and recreational events hosted by the Department of Parks and Recreation, so our business will provide an efficient and a cost effective communication method that will create excessive awareness for example our business will design flyers that will be delivered to every citizen in the morning along with the new papers (Rocha & Alencar, 2005). Advertisements will also be done in newspapers and magazines.

As it is quite evident that the city is famous for its fresh cuisines offered by all the restaurants so this reflects that more people dine out at restaurants. Publicity can also be done by using restaurants as a potential platform. Our business will also ensure to hold regular meetings and submit all the paperwork to the Chamber of Commerce through fax and email, as it will be less time consuming and more cost effective. Our business will also ensure effective two way communication with the vendors, as it will ensure secure delivery of stock and necessary raw materials. The fastest way of communication would be through phone or email. This will also save the travelling cost and would allow quick order and delivery. This would also decrease the number of intermediary from the supply and order chain, resulting in the prevention of any miscommunication.

Appropriate Design Considerations

Our business will also pay great attention in creating the website and would ensure that the website serves it purpose and provides information to all the stake holders. We will ensure that the language and the context used on the webpage are free from any error and is easily understandable by all age groups (Chapin, 2002). This will enable the message to be read by every citizen. The website will be self explanatory and would also inform about the past events and the upcoming events, so the citizens are aware about them. We will also provide an online chat facility which can be used in case of any queries ...
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