Citizen Responsibility In Disaster

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Citizen Responsibility in Disaster

Citizen Responsibility in Disaster


The study aims at investigating that that the responsibility of a citizen to cater the disaster situation is that they obtained hazards information by contacting emergencies. There is a disaster risk where anyone can live. The plans regarding school, community and workforce is warning systems and signals, evacuation plans, community and other plans, school emergency plans and workforce plans play a vital role in disaster situations. The responsibly of a citizen during times of disaster is to provide family support and supply skit is necessary. First aid kit includes family prescription and medication. There is shelter arrangement prior to disaster is hazards and types of hazards for each. There should be emergency supply kit for shelter locations. A citizen should protect the property. Be preparing for financial disasters. Property insurance is necessary. These factors are discussed in the research paper in detail.



Classification of Disasters4

Natural Disasters5

Natural Hazards5

Disasters Caused by Humans5

Overview of disaster is mentioned below6

Citizens Responsibility in Disasters6

Get Informed6

Make a Plan8

Escape routes8

Family Communications8

Utility short off and safety9

Insurance and vital records9

Special needs9

Caring for animals10

Safety Skills10

Assemble a Disaster Supply kit10

Hazards Specific Preparedness and maintain your plan11

Gather Information Regarding Disaster11

Dealing in Disaster Situation12




Disaster means sudden overwhelming and unforeseen event. This disaster could result in major illness, death, a substantial economic or social misfortune. The disasters at the community level are flood, fire, building collapse in an earthquake and so on so forth. In disasters, a large number of people affected. Many time people have an inability to cope with the disasters. The disaster at household level can be handled with the help of neighbors. At national levels, the organizations that help people in copying up with the disasters are International Federation of Red Cross, Red Crescent Society, the United Nations, various Governmental organizations (NGO) and government agencies plays a vital role in disaster management. They improve the reliance of the people when dealing with the disaster (Hopkins, 2008).

In the scope of disaster, there is no single measure that can capture the full scope. Numbers of people killed and suffer from the disaster that has taken place. The individual is worried about their family and other suffers that have faced the disaster. The economists will measure physical loss of the house and buildings. The economists deal with the loss of production that is they deal with houses and buildings that they have to reestablish, and older ones are affected in the disaster. Politicians access the poor responses of the state agencies. Health workers also pay a vital role while dealing in a disaster situation. They focus on the health issues related to disasters. The people effected in the disaster needs health assistance and that will be provided by the health facilitator. The effect of disaster is both long term and immediate (Hopkins, 2008).

Classification of Disasters

Disasters are classified into certain classification they are mentioned below

Natural Disasters

There are disasters originating from the forces of nature and from the effects of humans. There are certain types of natural disaster that occurred in ...
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