Cigarette Smoking As A Risk Factor For Coronary Heart Disease in Women Compared With Men

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Cigarette Smoking As a Risk Factor for Coronary Heart Disease

In Women Compared With Men

Cigarette Smoking As a Risk Factor for Coronary Heart Disease

In Women Compared With Men

Smoking is a trap in which youth usually and easily get in and then suffer from its detrimental impacts. This paper talks about the issue of smoking and heart diseases that the habit of smoking can cause by reviewing an article. The article discusses the issue of smoking from variegated aspects.

Smoking among women is fait accompli for some years in Western countries and is now gaining ground in places where it via a stigma. The cigarette manufacturers intend to change all that. Special brands of cigarettes that claim to have lower nicotine and tar entice women who smoke and who find that kind of cigarettes less harmful. Other cigarettes are perfumed or are long and thin.

Smoking is directly linked to chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, emphysema, diabetes, bladder cancer, osteoporosis, alcohol dependence and erectile dysfunction. 80 -90% of patients with emphysema are directly attributed to smoking. Chronic bronchitis and pneumonia also shows an increase in the smoker population. The chronic problem of alcohol dependence commonly occurs with nicotine dependence. A myth surrounds alcohol recovery. It is commonly thought that it too difficult to tackle both addictions at the same time but research supports a 25% greater likelihood of long term alcohol abstinence if the person is undergoing participation in a smoking cessation program.

The nicotine that are present in cigarettes reduces the security of the heart with oxygen, increases blood pressure and heart rate, increases blood clotting, damages the cells that line coronary arteries and other blood vessels. Smoking filtered cigarettes remain one of the most important reasons that cause premature death due to atherosclerosis or stroke, and can prevent or get rid of them, to refrain from smoking.

It was found that smoking causes 17-30% of deaths in heart disease, although the incidence of atherosclerosis as a result of smoking less than 50% when you refrain from smoking for at least a year, they do not go down to the normal rate until it is stopped for 3 - 4 years. There is no evidence to indicate that using the filter in the smoking reduces the incidence of cardiovascular disease compared to people who do not use the filter but on the contrary, he found that using the filter in the smoking ...
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