Christian Education

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Christian Education


This paper seeks to gain an in depth knowledge of Christian Education. What purpose and goals can Christian education serve and what is the Biblical Mandate on Christian education. The philosophy behind Christian education is also analyzed in this paper followed by some issues that may arise during the course of such education. In the end an overview of Christian education in 21st century is also presented. Bible verses have been quoted throughout the text according to their relevance of the topic.




Christian Education1

Purpose and Goals of Christian Education2

Biblical Mandate4

Philosophy of Christian Education5

The Christian School7

Foundational Issues in Christian Education7

Christian Education in 21st Century8


Christian Education


Men of every age, condition and race have an indisputable right to educate themselves that is in line with their culture, ability, goals and traditions. A true education aspires in forming the humans in pursuit of their ultimate end and to shape them in a way which will benefit their society, of which they are a member of, so they can play an valuable role in sharing their obligations in that society. From the instant, a child comes in this world definite forces influence his development. As time goes on and his inherited tendencies and powers interact with his will and the environment he takes on the trait of his adulthood. Growth does not end when a person reaches physical maturity in fact there are certain features of human persona that are proficient in refinement and expansion even when the person reaches old age. Whether an adult or a child, education is one such dimension which is a continuing and a constant process of human development which can even lead them to achieve a specific goal. “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and perfect and acceptable” (Romans 12:2).


Christian Education

Even though the Bible does not specifically mention the name Christian education in its verses it does however say that Christian faith believers and followers in general and children in particular should be educated in spiritual and moral instructions according to the Word of God (Horton, 1992). All Christians have a right to Christian education. But this does not mean that Christian education is merely to strive for maturing of a person but has the goal that followers of Christian belief become more aware of the faith they have accepted and learn how to worship God in the true spirit. It is the duty of parents to create such a family environment which promotes love and respect for man and God for their children (DeBeer & Jaarsma, 2000). This makes family the first school where social values are taught to the children to make them better members of the society. In Christian family, the children should be taught about the knowledge of God, to show reverence to Him and love their fellow citizens from their early years (Baxter, ...
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