Choosing A Career

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What career am I most suited for?

What career am I most suited for?


By choosing a career must analyze my abilities: if I have no facility for mathematics, I must stop thinking about being engineers, if I do not like art, I must stop thinking of being architects. My skills limit the scope of my possibilities, exclude certain careers and lifestyles and even show us my way in a positive way. A decision made without thinking (incorrectly) brings negative impacts (Kim, McCleary & Kaufman, 2010). Many are those who complain bitterly about being where they should not i.e., not having made the right decision. Sullen or neurotic, deny their situation. They want to go back, but often too late and cannot restart the road. As a result, people who are closely related to that person away from her because her character begins to dislike, and goes mad as the fear that their anger and bitterness in them top.

For example, many choose to be engineers or doctors, because they like best, or because these career choices give more money. Choose trade laws or because they are easier and leave them more free time. Follow industrial careers because they are less saturated and have more economic future. The taste, like, the economic future, are the decisive factors. Applying all this to my personal life, I believe my decision was made because they are to my liking the career choices so far have chosen. It was not influenced my decision because it is a career choice that is fashionable or because it is very feminine or masculine, nor by the media, perhaps in part be because I can leave good profits but do not really think much about it when was choosing.


Friends are another factor influencing the career choice, many times I decided to study a career because my best friend also goes to school, and even entered the same university. Sometimes my friends are going to study outside the city, and although I will not look the same, I go to the same city to be near them and not lose them. This is not my case, I believe that friends are with us in a given time and these are exchanged for others in different stages of life, but it is also important to maintain communication with them while away from us. Without studying in the same place, nothing happens, simply establish relationships with different people, and have new friends.

However, graduates are in the career choice of Health Sciences which have better job opportunities, since the number of professionals does not cover the supply of jobs available, what does happen with those of Business. All other career choices who have shortage of professionals in my country are the Industrial Engineering, Computer and Road, and Economics. In contrast, Business and Law, despite being among the most popular, most graduates have jobs. The family influence on the proposed life of children is inevitable. Since parental occupations, hobbies, careers unrealized until the expectations ...
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