Choice Theories

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Choice Theories

Choice Theories


In this world balance is very necessary, for maintaining the balance in our society and human's life. In this world there are some bad people in the society and obviously the existence of good people. It is natural phenomena that bad things/people always question for the good person/things. For securing from bad or evil things We create some limitations and boundaries for society welfare and the cycle of life can be processed in smooth way, as other field of life has theories in the same manner theorist proposed some theories, as in this paper the choices theory will be discussed and also the needs for it, crime and their reasons, protection from them, implementation of laws. Below in discussion the mentioned point will be covered.


Choice Theory

This theory refers to the practice and practice of criminology, investigating the reasons and factor which influence on offender to commit the crime. Choice theory is also known as rational theory. As per this theory the focus is on the outcome of the crime by obtaining the consideration in the form of benefits. The benefits may be in the form f monetary and else than that. Basic main considerations in this theory are rational choice. In this theory the logic is present against the person who committed the crime also justifying the reason of act either rational act, external or internal predispositions (Daniel,, 1993). This is not wrong to say that by the help of this theory judicial and law has been structured. First of all the choice theory or rational theory as this theory explains the condition of offender why the crime to be committed the factors influence on him and motivating him also the decision with its purposes, the purpose of offend may be in consideration of personal gain, money status, power and may be learning. In a rational cause as per theory the offender determines the options, benefits and also the consequences too. Consciously design the plans for committing the crime type of crime, target and place of crime, after making such plans with fully awareness about the right and wrong execute the plans accordingly. This theory was actually popular because to grab the criminal for stopping the any antisocial act just because of offender to gain from it. Assuming that by this theory the criminal act any criminal activity as he has chosen to do it. And in this rational theory the person consider being the normal as other people of society, for stopping these kinds of activities in the society or to prevail the society from such harms, the result of crime is so extreme so that the other person in the society cannot commit it (Zey, 1998). Significant point of choice theory is that the crime done within the normal state of person. And the criminal normally found to be antisocial. With in modern ways the stress would be considered the reason for being committed the crime. This could be the considering the criminals into the category ...
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