This theory of motivation proposed by William Glasser contends that behavior is never caused by a response to an outside stimulus. Instead, the control theory states that behavior is inspired by what a person wants most at any given time: survival, love, power, freedom, or any other basic human need. Glasser (1992) contends that we must offer students an education that they can see will satisfy both their immediate and future needs. Students can only learn if they view their schools as a place that is at least potentially need satisfying.
Components and procedures for a RESPONSIBILITY TRAINING PROGRAM
There is a distinct difference between "Teaching Students Responsible Behavior" and the behavior improvement programs offered by other organizations. Dr. Glasser has authored five books that present, refine, and apply the concepts of Choice Theory - a new and empowering explanation of human behavior. Responsibility Training, based on a solid foundation of Choice Theory, produces observable and continuing improvement in student performance. Students learn to take responsible and effective control of their lives because their teachers have gained knowledge and skills that produce those results.
Over the past ten years, Choice Theory and Responsibility Training have dramatically improved the lives of teachers and their students throughout our country. Out of that real success comes "Teaching Students Responsible Behavior," a true state-of-the-artprogram.
If students do not perceive what we are offering in school to be related to one or more of basic needs, they struggle against and or withdraw from any or all of a curriculum that is not satisfying. Discipline program after program fails, believes Glasser, while educators blame, complain and search desperately for new Stimulus-Response program. He adds that the temptation is always to increase the students' pain by using more detentions, suspensions, and maybe ...