Chimpanzee Behavior

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Chimpanzee Behavior

Chimpanzee Behavior


In order to understand the process of evolution of human species, the research regarding the primates' ability of living styles plays an integral part. One of the main purposes of studying the behaviors of the chimpanzees is that study regarding this issue may highlight and reveal various aspects of the process of development in human beings in early ages. This shows that conducting and understanding the study about the development and life styles of chimpanzees provides insight into our primeval ancestor.


Male chimpanzees are known for their violence. Gorillas, chimpanzees, baboons, short of most species of monkeys authoritarian practice polygamy: the dominant male maintains its monopoly on its sexual monkeys by biting them and threatening them, it deviates from the pretenders the same means (McGrew, 2010). That said, there are also controlled by several male harems, polygamy shared somehow. The chimps are subject to (x) male (s) dominant (s), but also practice adultery, which allows them to maintain social relationships with other males: there is an informal polyandry (Goodall, 1997). Depending on the species, the degree of submission or independence of chimpanzees is not the same. And within a species, there are large differences between groups, according to the power relations between males and females, and depending on the culture of the group: males here will be a violent jealousy, there will be more tolerant. In the few monogamous species (e.g., the titis, much less closely related genetically to humans than chimpanzees), adultery is not uncommon (as with many species of monogamous birds), but the monkey, as the male, strives to eliminate its rivals by violence and the threat: monogamy is the result of a double balanced jealousy (Yerkes, 2001).

In their daily lives, chimpanzees use tools, like little leafless branches used to extract termites from their nests, or stones for cracking nuts. In Senegal, young females and produce spears with branches, they make the sharp end in the chewing; they use to impale the day, bushbabies (small nocturnal primates) sleeping in tree holes. Primatologists have identified in chimpanzees, all groups, handling over 65 different tools (Tomasello & Call, 1997).

Voice and visual communication is important in the chimpanzee community. A series of facial expressions gestures and sounds works as signals between individuals and groups (Goodall 1986). Chimpanzees have very animated faces and hairless and expressions play an important role in the close communication between individuals. For example, a “full closed ...
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