Childhood Obesity

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Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity


Childhood obesity is a growing problem in Australia and many other developed countries. According to some research 75% of obese children become obese adults. Obesity can have a significant negative impact on a child's quality of life. The childhood obesity is a condition that affects more and more children, especially in western countries like the USA, UK and Australia. Obesity is related to a number of factors such as dietary habits, physical activity, and biological factors, development, diseases, behavioural and psychological. Obesity in children is a problem that has increased dramatically in many countries, including Australia, during the last decades. Childhood obesity often begins between three and seven years of age. The true cause of this epidemic (which can have very negative consequences in the future) is basically changing habits, and especially when it comes to food and physical inactivity. The children, mostly under the influence of parents, abandon the consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes and fish, for fast food, "sweets" and cakes.

Thesis Statement

The major causes and impacts of obesity in children is the main theme of this paper. Since, childhood obesity is increasing throughout the world at dangerously fast rate; we will discuss the main causes and consequences of obesity in children.


A child who is overweight will not automatically be obese in adulthood. However, several studies suggest that, after the age of 8 years, there is indeed a link between the child's weight and weight in adulthood. Several health risks are associated with overweight in children which include hypertension, diabetes, joint problems, cardiovascular disease, gallstones, osteoarthritis and sleep apnea syndrome.

Causes of Obesity in Children

There are many different factors which cause obesity in children. Three of those factors are discussed below:

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It is an intake of more calories than are essential for energy, the overload stores fat in the body. The quantity of food is the first and basic factor which tends to cause obesity. According to previously studied data, some with the increase in body weight may correlate with eating patterns and consumption. Obesity occurs when an individual eats more calories than the body burns up. The regular food intake of a child should be 100 calories; consumption above the bench mark will result in a 10 lbs. weight gain which is equivalent of 8 ounces of a soft drink over a year. Children become obese if they consume more than their daily intake and thus they become ...
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