Childhood Disorder

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Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder


Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is now the number one childhood problem in the entire United States of America. This disorder can arise due to many factors and thus can be treated with many different ways. This paper tends to throw light on some of those issues and would also try to draw out a meaningful conclusion on the topic. Table of Contents






Hereditary factors3


Food Issues4




Diet Control6



Childhood Disorder


Children tend to undergo many problems during the period known as childhood and adolescence, due to many problems relating to many factors. These factors could be mentally or physically, or it could even be inspired by the actions of others around them. In the context of this paper, I would be discussing the disorder, which had impacted, me greatly and that the disorder is termed as' Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder'. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is ranked on the top of the disorders which the 3-7% of the school children tends to encounter. However, this disorder has been under the spotlight of many parents, teachers as well as the psychologists. Earlier Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder was seen as the behavior problem. Teachers thought those children who cannot sit still in the class for even a short time or those who tend to talk continuously in the class are the ones who can fell prey to such type of disorder (Lendon, 2005).



Many researchers in the world still think that the Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is the problem which is related to the behavior of the individual. However, there can be many different reasons why this problem tends to hit the school going children with such a high rate. Social problems seem to be one of the major reasons of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. However, this problem tends to affect the behavior of the individual in many ways and in different environments. It tends to cast its effect on the ability of the individual to organize things and get started with the task. It restricts the individual ability to focus on the details, and the person infected by this disorder tends to be distracted by anything around him/her, hence it limits the ability of the person to limit excessive distractibility. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder also tends to disturb the individual's ability to interpret the information received thus the individual fails to shape up his/her alertness in the context of the situation (Schneider, 2009). Every person is gifted with the ability to sustain his or focus and change the direction of it counting too many reasons.

Thus, those suffering from Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder fail to shift their focus as they lack to focus tightly on the subject. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder tends to affect the ability of the person to recall or extract information stored in his/her short term memory. Since they lack focusing, and fail to recall the information, therefore, they tend to be deficient in working with motivation. However, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder not only tends to affect the professional life of the individual rather they tend to suffer in their personal lives ...
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