Child & Young Personal Development

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Child and Young Person Development

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Quality of life is commonly used as a synonym to define the appraised or a subject centred perspective on health. Despite of the increased quality research about the life of adult human being, quality research and quality life for children is missing or under development relatively. While the generic measures have started to emerge now, assessment methods to measure the quality of life in children are still in development. The design of such assessment tools are prescribed at different levels for different age groups and the objective is to recognize, assess, observe and recommend the appropriate treatment and pre treatment and post treatment preventive measures. The aim of this paper is to develop the understanding to support a child's and young person's development and health needs and it also support the measures and procedures to manage the people experiencing transition and how to help then in adapting positive behaviour. Following are the highlighted concerns and the ways to recognize them along with their treatments.

Aspects of the child and young person development

The major aspects to be studied and considered in child development includes biological, emotional and psychological changes that take place in a human being between the his birth till the end of adolescence as during this phase every individual decreases its dependency and move towards autonomy. Development changes may be influenced by the genetic factors and parental life. Most important aspects include physical growth, speed and pattern of development, mechanisms of cognitive development and individual differences.

Observation method

Observing children is a very important skill to practice for a childcare practitioner because it actually enables to assess a child's development in progress in learning and future development. Different observation methods can be used to strengthen the development programme of a child. Commonly used observing techniques for child development includes monitoring a child's social, emotional, physical and cognitive development for different periods and in different patterns for a specific period of time, identify child's strength and interest and identify the concerns about the child. Observation methods include time sampling, event sampling, structured observation, naturalistic observation, participative, longitudinal and target child observation techniques.

1.3 Assessment of the development needs

Assessment of the development need of a child is necessary as it help assessing the impact of the chronic health conditions of quality life. Assessment will help identifying the tools for systematic monitoring and identifying the unmet health conditions and need of the child and young people.

1.4 How the identified needs of development can be met in a work setting?

Need assessment in a work setting can help identifying the factors that can obstruct a child's growth. In a work setting we need to identify the child's interest and concerns about that particular workplace. From the observed information, decide in what situation a child responds in a best way. In case of any problem figure out the methods to make out the problem situation and try to improve the work setting materials and ...
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