Child Rearing Practices

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Child Rearing Practices

Child Rearing Practices


Parenting rearing practices are aimed to improve the learning and development of children for their well being. In the discourse of parenting practices, children, like adults, are inherently vulnerable, they face numerous risk factors of varying intensity, from the biological and social, in the field of personal, family and the collective areas.These factors, among which may be mentioned among many others, the death of a beloved family member, violence in the immediate environment, separation of parents, lack of affection or loss of a toy, triggers a reaction in children adjustment. To the extent that children, family and social environment are provided with good opportunities to control these influences tends to mismatch, the reaction will be beneficial, that is leading to the formation of a good person (Koenig, et al., 2010).

The child needs to be guided as they are not aware of the fact that what is best for them. The authority is allowing the child to assimilate the fundamental prohibitions related to social development. The frustration is a necessary experience in child development. To live in society, he must learn to renounce immediate satisfaction of his desires. We must also keep in mind that love and authority are consistent. Indeed, it is because one loves his or her child and he or she looks after them for their safety and well being. Put up barriers on the way to the child, but also help them advance, it will help the child to gain confidence and be better prepared for independence. Without authority, the child may also feel neglected, and abandoned (Wang, et al., 2011).

Raising Practices

The study of parenting practices has a long tradition in psychology and, although it is a multidimensional construct, always tends to include two basic dimensions: one related to the emotional tone of relationships and the other behaviors in play to control and direct the behavior of children. The first dimension places the level of communication and the second the type of discipline and both dimensions are related.

Thus, socialization styles are related to the intensity of communication in parent-child relationships. Linking different parenting styles and level of communication within the family, parents who use more understanding and support in parenting have higher levels of communication, and families with lower levels of communication tend to use coercion and punishment more often.

Family discipline refers to strategies and socialization mechanisms used by parents to regulate the conduct and inculcate values, attitudes and norms on children. Similarly, given the acceptance and use of methods of positive discipline and punitive (punishment) for abusive parents, abusive and potentially abusive, it is found that abusive parents are not evaluated as significantly (Driessen, Jun, 2003).

The existence of several groups of factors in determining educational practices and the diversity of measurements for each group highlights the complexity of raising and educating children. Education is considered as a multifaceted task and, therefore it is difficult to categorize, however, evolutionary psychologists are interested in classifying parenting styles that parents use ...
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