Child Labour

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Child Labour in Electronic Firms

Executive Summary

This paper focuses on one of the most important and critical issue that the world is facing today, that is of Child Labour. The papers analyse the issue and relate it with the current business perspective and developing countries laws. Additionally it focuses on the reason and the cause behind the problem and come up with the analysis that poverty is major factor behind the adverse problem that is affecting the nation and forcing children for child labour. Families living in this era are unable to fulfil their needs as the things are getting expensive days by days, for which they direct their child toward labouring in order to have help in earning income. The major point of this issue is that it is directly affecting the economical condition of the world as it children involve in Child labour are unable to get education, due to which the world illiteracy rate is also rising with an alarming rate. Government is now taking effective measure in order to resolve the issue.

Child Labour in Electronic Firms


Child labour in Electronic Firms has always be one of the most complex and controversial issue facing by the world in the era of technology. The problem all started with the traditional practice of the people in the old world, which emphasis on child working, weather in their own homes, in shops or in the master fields. In early times, it was considered as the duty of children to help their parents in their work. At that time, mostly people were not educated, and as it was the era of agriculture, people think that their children will gain the experience if they work with them in the field.

According to the International Labour Organization, the emerged problem of Child labour in Electronic Firms accounted for 250 million children across the globe, out of this 250 only 120 million are fulltime workers. This legitimates that Child labour is not only making children to deprive from their childhood, but also directly impacting their heath and threatening their future. It feel that that Government could intervene in the issues regarding the child labour and put this big issue to an end, but there despite of the renown issue, Government intervention is not possible as this requires a large economical cost. Mostly, the issues of child labour are faced in developing countries, where the families are striving to fulfil the basic needs, so it is not possible for Government of such countries to take timely action again this issue.

It has been observed that millions children are working in Electronic Firms and other sectors. Every child has the right to get education but the children who are working do not go to school. Many of the times they do not receive food according to their desires. Many of the children are exposed and forced to work in the worst conditions that are known as child labour, slavery or other ...
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