Photography And Child Labor

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How Lewis Hine's Photography Help Shed Light On Child Labor In America?

How Lewis Hine's Photography Help Shed Light On Child Labor In America?


"With a picture sympathetically interpreted what a lever we have for social uplift." Lewis Hine

The photos were on the periphery of American life as a kind of visual undergrowth, which is sometimes overlooked. Photography is not only influenced the way people see the world, but that they believed. They are pictures that Americans saw on the first page of his newspaper, which forced Americans to form opinions and take appropriate action. Throughout history, photography established itself as being an effective means to improve America, both morally and socially, thus showing that the photo is a form of communication that is as strong as any other form of communication.


In the first decade of the 19 th century, photographs were just beginning to enter into many aspects of American life. They came in the mail, and photos appeared in newspapers and magazines. This picture was beginning to have an impact not only on how people saw the world, but that they believed. With the invention of photography in the early 19 th century, before the appearance in Birmingham in the late 1950's, art, photos / pictures come a long way in capturing the public eye.

Writers have been describing America's problems, such as the suffering of the poor as to Decleration of Indepedence. But no one has yet used the photograph serve such a huge social change. In 1890, shortly after it became possible to print photographs in books, Jacob Riis photographs included in his influential work on housing reform. Jacob A. Riis was the first reformer to effectively convey his message to the general public that the conditions of life that befell the urban poor are unacceptable(The New York Times, 1940). Its use is relatively new medium pictures brought unprecedented power in his message. His most popular work, as the other half lives, combpnation the written word and picture became an important work, which quickly brought in much-needed reforms. After work, Riis, photographic "evidence" was the rule for publications devoted to social reform and common tool of the progressive movement. It is an approach to lay the foundations of modern photo-journalism (Troncale, 2007).

Work inspired Riis Lewis Hine, a teacher who first used the camera as an educational tool. As Riis, Hine was able to realize what you see on photographic images of extraordinary power, which is beyond logic and language. He appreciated the fact that there are certain things that you could see in those pictures, that would be right at your heart, not your head. Chin believes that if people could see the living conditions in slums and abuse of child labor, they would be interested in taking action to improve these conditions and to stop these violations.

He felt so strongly about the abuse of children as workers, that he left a teaching job and became the investigative photographer for the National Committee on Child Labour ...
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