Child Labor

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Child Labor

The Use Of Child Labour In A Global Economy Using Three Principles Of The GBSC

Use of Child Labor in A Global Economy Using Three Principles of the Global Business Standard Codex


Holding a child labor in developed countries where people living with high income holding that it is nearly always a form of a child abuse, in which children work in the hazardous conditions that run down business for callous businesses. Counties does takes immediate action against it and would boycott all goods that produced by child labours (Gupta, 2010). The Global Business Standards Codex has reflected about the ethical principle. This is the core body of standards around which we have found about a wide agreement. The group has includes not only the requirement of regulatory that appears with based on some consistency across the various codes but ones that occurred with a higher frequency in sector of business. This paper will examine the way through which multinational companies deal with child labor in their respective codes.


The international standards has a drawn up by the organization that reveals the existence of continuum that ranges from acceptable towards unacceptable from of the child labor. The International Labor Organization stipulates that minimum age of 13 years old suitable for light work that should not harm health of child and in exceptional cases (help family members) it would be lowered as 12 years.

There are majority codes of international organization that has deal with the labor issues.gor multinational companies that are interest to access their codes of conduct or a craft a new one, Global Business Codes of Standard Codes has roundup endorse conduct guidelines for companies all around the world (Hindman & Smith, 1999).

Dignity Principles

Principle has described that respect dignity of all people. Organization must responsible to protect health, human rights, privacy and safety of their employees, refrain from the coercion and also required to adopt practice that enhance the human development in the workplace, community and workplace (Paine, 2005).

Child labor is broadly defined as any work, economic and non economic that is either for become too hazards or dangerous and for which the child is too small to perform particular work (Kaptein, 2004). This is including work that is affect health, moral, education and the normal development. This is also refers that managers does not abstain from directly or indirectly using forced or child labor. There are few companies who adopt this dignity principle and they are explicitly referred to the ILO code that means 14 years of age exception in developing countries (Kolk & Tuldere, 2002). However, famous athlete based company Nike, has set 18 years minimum age for their foot wear production and 16 years for other equipment and accessories. this was also discuss I that the company will not work with the business partners that are engaged to used the child as a labor especially performing by the Nonprofits Organization.

Citizenship Principle

This principle is responsible citizen of the ...
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