Child Development

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Child Development

Child Development

Child Development

Child Development Babies grow and develop at a very rapid rate during the first year of life. They grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. Development is the baby's increased skill in using various body parts. For example, a baby can hold up their head before they can grasp an object with their hand. Also they can feed themselves before they can walk. Second development rule: The second development rule explains that children develop from the mid line, or center of the body, outward toward the fingers and toes. Third development rule: Finally, this rule reveals that, as the brain develops, a child responds to more and more sights and sounds in their environment (Kegl 1999).

When dealing with a development of a child there are three basic development rules. First development rule: This rule says that babies develop in the head region first, then the trunk, and lastly in the legs and feet.

From the time of birth people experience major developmental changes, which vary depending on their age. The changes they experience are influenced by the stage of development they are experiencing. Two stages in the life cycle with regards to childhood are the stage of early childhood (2-6yrs.) and the stage of late childhood (6-12yrs.). Within the sphere of early and late childhood, there are three key aspects of development that will be the primary focus of this paper. Physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development play a vital role in determining how successfully a child develops and progresses on into adulthood. Through the observation of children during class at school, as a Sunday school teacher at church, and through observations of my own child, who are all within the stages of early and late childhood, I have analyzed and compared both stages and have summarized my findings ...
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