Child & Adolescent Development In Nursing

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Child & Adolescent Development in Nursing

Child & Adolescent Development in Nursing

Describe what it means to be a family in contemporary Australia and how has this changed over time?

Retaining the core cultural and family values in changing Australia is no easy task. Families in Australia come in several sizes and shapes and have diverse characteristics. This diversity in family structure and characteristics reflects the existence of several different factors. Majority of the Australians (approximately 79 percent) prefer living in one family household; around 3 percent reside in multifamily household (these refer to households comprising of more than one family); 9 percent live in lone person households; 6 percent in non private residence and finally 3 percent in group households. Majority of the families are couple families, these couples might be married or living together in a cohabiting relationship. Majority of the couples are heterosexual however a small proportion also consists of homosexual families. Some reconstituted families are also found with step children. Number of single parent families is increasing day by day.

Since families are embed in the broader society it is certain that with changes in economic and social structures, families are destined to change. It is important for families to adapt to new changes because if families remain indifferent to the external social influence than they might end up performing an increasingly minor role in their own personal life and on broader dynamics of society. Increased rate of separation and globalization have led to family divides. Single parenting is a new trend surfacing while youngsters prefer moving out of the family framework once stabilizes. As families change accordingly, some might work well while other fail to thrive and are constantly involved in family disputes. Less time is available for each other and more time is devoted to work. Such is the state of contemporary Australian families.

Discuss the main purpose & goals of public health and describe an example of a significant health issue that has been positively influenced by a public health initiative

The mission of every country's public health care unit is to enhance the health and well-being of people by offering them with efficient fitness and human service. Public health improves the health and wellbeing of individuals and aims to prevent health problems before they arise. The achievements and improvements of community health in the twentieth century has resulted in great improvement in quantity and quality of life, increased life expectancy, reduced child and infant mortality and facilitated in major reduction of communicable diseases. The health care campaign that this document will discuss is about Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Sexual health refers more commonly to the prevention of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases than to sexual well being and fulfilment because sexual activity leads to unwanted pregnancies and ill health or diseases such as Chlamydia. However, good personal and sexual relationships can actively promote health and well being. Health of the nation is involved in sexual health as its strategies target sexual health issues like teenage pregnancies, family planning ...
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