Child Abuse And Neglect

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Child Abuse and Neglect

Child Abuse and Neglect


Child abuse can be described as any unpleasant or damaging effect on the body of a child, and any kind of contact those consequences in embarrassment, humiliation, or threat to the child. Child is further described as hitting, shaking, beating, biting, or burning a child. The stage “child abuse” plasters different variety of behavior, basically from physical attack by guardians or parents to actually ignoring their child. Children are blessings from God not burden. This is clear that child abuse is totally wrong, and off course God did not make children to abuse. The observed statistics regarding the physical child abuse has actually been disturbing. Moreover, it is anticipated that many children are abused physically every year by any close relative or a parent and thousands of children actually die due to the physical abuse.


Child abuse and neglect also referred to collectively as child maltreatment, comprises the legal and social definitions of specific typologies, including sexual abuse, emotional neglect, physical neglect, and physical abuse (Beddoe, A, & Schub, T, 2011).

The concept of child abuse has evolved throughout history. Across cultures, children used to be seen as the property of their parents, having neither rights nor privileges, and infanticide was a common practice. Children's status in life was determined by the parents, and discipline was often harsh and unrestrained by society. In the ancient world, as well as the more modern Western world, children of slaves were at the mercy of their masters, who exploited them physically for work and often abused them sexually. Many children worked the land or were indentured to tradesmen, who were sometimes abusive or exploitive.

The child abuse can be categorized into four major parts which are physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. The main reason of child abuse is when child is neglected. Neglect is the most popular kind of abuse. Mainly there are two types of neglect which are emotional and physical.

Serious Problem: Child Abuse

It is cooperative to understand that the main idea of “child abuse” is controversial. The children were abused since time immemorial, but the attack did not get the nomination officially recognized. And child abuse is like attacking the curse of mind of individuals and their personalities to affect the behavior, which is like a contagious virus, organic breeding and breeding and is transmitted from one person to another in a vicious circle like elongated over generations. Children who are abused at a young age is closer to the exercise of this outrageous behavior against their children. Thus, the dilemma continues in a vicious circle must be broken encircled. Child abuse is basically not a personal or family problem but a problem of national and global and children who are abused grow up to be remnants of downer that adversely affect the medium in which it will live and in several forms. 

 It is not easy to measure the rate of child abuse in the community because, unfortunately, less visible forms of violence and subject to protest, reflecting ...
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