Characteristics Of The Nation-State And Transnational Entities

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Characteristics of the Nation-State and Transnational Entities

Nation-State and Transnational Entities


Modern Nation State

In past few decades, the fall down of the pluralistic kingdom paved ways for dominant form of human society in terms of the nation state. Additionally, transitional countries have enhanced to compete with goals and identities of the nation; however, sometimes involving the subordination of public concerns.


Nation, State, Nation-State

Nation defined it is a group of people that live together and share a common language, ancestry, history, and culture who inhabit a particular territory (Webster, 2011).

An example is, the North American Native Indian people which consist of diverse nations. One nation in particular is the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. Though the Cherokee nation, and other Native American nations live within the US. Most of them have retained their own cultures (separate from America) and live in land areas or reservations within U.S. states such as Oklahoma (Business Week, 2007).

State defined is a self governed political group of people. Also, it is defined as an organized political entity' living under a government (Webster, 2011). An example is Oklahoma which is a state of United States of America. The state of Oklahoma joined the union in 1907. Germany, France, England, Japan are considered nation-states because they are a nation of people united under a single political government. Likewise, they share a common language, overall culture, and live in a territory with boundaries that designate the region of the state governance or jurisdiction.

U.S.A Meeting the Criteria of Nation State

The U.S. is considered as a nation state. It fits the criteria of a nation because there is an overall American culture that ties the various nationalities, ethnic groups, and distinct cultures together. In American culture, the national language is English. Over 80% of Americans speak English as their first language. The second most spoken language is Spanish about 10-12 percent of the population speaks Espanola (Gleason, 2011). Despite the fact, that America is entirely populated with immigrants, the Native Americans are melded together under the same culture. Most Americans have an ancestry with ancestors coming from another culture or country outside America. Americans are generally very friendly and open compared to other nation states. People will talk to strangers in line at the super market or on an airplane, or even an elevator. Americans are very informal and will introduce themselves openly; others may consider them rude or extreme in their straightforward manner. American culture considers time to be very valuable and do not like to waste time with small talk in business meetings. They are generally very punctual and quite reliable. Family consists primarily of the nuclear family of parents and their children. Relatives often live far apart and come together only to celebrate special events or holidays.

Attributes of US Government and Society

Fixed territory

Each state has boundaries that have been nationally documented and recognized by the national government in a state constitution. These boundaries are depicted within the map of the U.S. and the individual maps of a ...
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