Globalization is affecting, the "heat effect of political-cultural home" protected by the modern nation-state, so that "any real political community must respond to the twin imperatives of space determination and self-determination by the same "as a rallying point for a regional cultural identity.
The national states are juridical and geographical units, and sometimes cultural units. The nation is an organic whole based on cultural tradition and uses religion (Hegel) and education (Fichte) and integration tools. In his State idealist, Hegel considered the national spirit of the development achievement of universal spirit. A researcher characterized the nation as a soul with a spiritual principle, to argue that "A nation is a great solidarity, created by the feeling of the sacrifices made and being willing to do in the future. “The historical materialist conception of the State is designated as a social relationship embedded in social structures adopting different institutional forms (Appadurai, 1991).
• Nation
Nation, strictly speaking, has two meanings: the political nation, within legal - political, is a political subject in which resides the constituent sovereignty of a State, the cultural nation, a concept socio - ideologically. More subjective and ambiguous that above, can be defined broadly as a human community with certain features cultural common, which gives a sense of ethics and political. Nation broadly used with various meanings: state, country, territory or population of them, ethnicity, people, and others.
For example India is the Nation in terms of political nation and culture nation; people living in this country strictly follow the principles and regulations of the Nation (Anderson, 1991).
• State
The State is one form of organizing political and legal for a company (as a community of citizens or subjects) or a country. Earlier examples are the Polis Greek, Roman Republican, and the Holy Roman Empire etc. It is bounded by borders land within which laws apply and is comprised of institutions through, which it exercises authority and power , the legitimacy of that authority rests on the sovereignty (of people or nation, for example) .
• Nation-state
A nation-state is the juxtaposition of a State, as a political organization, a nation, that is to say, individuals who consider themselves bound and belonging to the same group. So the coincidence between a notion of order identity, membership in a group, nation, and a legal concept, the existence of a form of sovereignty and institutional policies and the administrative is practicing the rule. Without this coincidence, we speak rather of a multinational state (Billig, 1995). U.K, is the example of Nation state as all people in this country live as a nation and they have proved this fact many times.
Creation of a nation-state
There are two possibilities for creating a nation-state:
Either the state exists before the nation, and then try to develop a national sentiment (for countries initially nation-state that conquered territories).
U.S. Criteria and functions as a modern nation-state
The United States of America United States harmonizes itself well into the standards ...