Change Management

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Leading and Managing Change

Leading and Managing Change


Developments that affect continuous environment lead companies to place the center concerns of the managers that are change management in the organization. Pascal Charpentier emphasizes that the methods of implementation to implement change and phase consolidation of the latter from often radical change management systems, as necessary as same reason. The spread of participatory approach has reduced the influence more too technocratic approaches. The information technology play a very role in the management of change in that they interfere now as much about his conduct on motivation.

In addition, subject to the constraints of their changing environment, companies no longer consider the organization as a stable state, but as a variable efficiency needs to, constantly adjust. Change issues are not limited to discussions on the need to change organizations. It also includes a reflection on the method change management. It seems now accepted that the method is essential in the achievement of change. The ongoing modernization of enterprises and services the public capital illustration: in these cultures marked by a high resistance to change, uncertainty less about the nature of the changes to be made that they will be introduced. Process challenges may themselves in turn influence the choices and organizational change compromise initially targeted.

Change Management includes the processes and tools to manage the human impact of a transition. These tools include a structured approach that can be effectively used to create, accompany and support the transition, helping the organization to build and manage own transformation.

Readiness for Change

The organizations, currently developing it activities in an environment that are willing to changed considerably in recent decades. These variations arise firstly, the own transformations in economic and social agents and the increasing complexity in relationships and on the other hand, activity and dynamism of the environmental elements, such as competition, technology. Thus, companies increasingly develop and compete in environments that change rapidly and constantly, defined as hyper-or chaotic in some cases and characterized by a rapid obsolescence of technology, the growing use of new techniques, systems and forms of distribution, short life span of products, innovation and the increasing globalization of competition, changes the needs of customers, etc.

Organizations, such as stable configurations of people, structures, processes, skills and values can readiness for change. Once you have established a general policy of the organizations tends to adopt a default of doing things. If an organization is successful, this will tend to reinforce existing ways of working. The stability guarantees efficiency. Therefore, periods of stability are necessary for the proper functioning of an organization.

Vision for change with Mutual Trust and Respect

The importance of the vision concepts and its application with mutual trust and respect is of changing the organization and design includes a series of steps: the revision by the management of strategic goals (the mission). The formation of a team's corporate manager for supervising its execution, the creation of a vision of program, the definition of its implementation strategy, the reorganization of staff in accordance with the ...
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