Change Management

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Change Management

Change Management


Change management in an organisation is to make things happen within it in order to make its goals and objectives achievable. Strategies should be implemented; decisions and actions should be taken from time on time so that an organisation can remain competitive in today's globalized market & economy. Although many decisions and some strategies do not lead to an organisation to change, there are many that depend on change management skills. Peter Druker's statement is viewed at the same angle by many other management consultants. The reality is that nothing last forever; it is just a matter of time before changes affect an organisation.

As demonstrated on the graph, in every organisation a transformation stage is reached with time, whereby to sustain growth, survival and prosperity, the organisation has to adjust and adapt with environmental change and other external changes which have a direct influence as far as the future of the organisation is concerned. In other words, when reached at the transformation stage, an organisation will not give up and move on. Instead, an organisation should be aware of when they are reaching such a stage, be ready to face the situation and give in ample time so as to effectively develop a new sigmoid curve that is a new future. It should be noted that changes can be subject to adequate extra finance and resources. This is the reason behind why an organisation should always be prepared to embrace change. It should always have a continual focus on improvement, and must not rest on its laurels and should thus not wait for the wolf to be knocking on its door.

Change can be radical or implemental, as explained by Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn (p.59), regardless, the success lies in the hands of the individuals or group who are responsible for introducing the change and supporting it to the end. When managers prepare a situation for change, it involves helping their people see the need for change by changing attitudes and creating a need for something new. Managers are always on the lookout for change and therefore recognize the need when change arrives which allows them to act quickly. When faced with the situation of announcing a new change, following these steps for introduction change:

Always be on the lookout for change

Communicate change openly and positively

Empower your employees

Act Quickly/Take Action

Motivating Change

Drivers for change

An organisation operate in an environmental context, which is meant to naturally change throughout time due to external forces which could take the form of competition, customers, technology and so on. Also some organisations might find themselves bound to change campaigns due to expansion, addition of branches or relocation of their primary headquarters.

Moreover, the need for change can arise as a result of pressures both within and outside the organisation. In fact this need for change, this attack on the status quo, will usually result from one or more of the drivers; external pressures, poor performance, or internal dissatisfaction. External pressures arise as a result of:

Changes ...
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