Change Management

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Change Management and Vision


In this study, we try to explore the concept of “vision” in a holistic context. The focus of the research is on “vision” and its relation with “change management”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “vision” and tries to gauge its effect on “change management”. Finally, the research describes various factors, which are responsible for “vision”, and tries to describe the overall effect of “vision” on “change management”


In a firm, where the employees have complete faith in the abilities of the organizational leaders, all the employees will look at their leader(s) for everything related to the management of change. During the times of drastic changes in an organization, the employees will anticipate sensible and effective planning, effective and confident decisions, and complete interaction from the organizational leaders. In the same way, during a change in an organization, it is natural for the employees, that they will comprehend their leaders as concerned, supportive & committed to their wellbeing, whilst, at the same time they will recognize that tough decisions have to be made. (Palmer 2005)

Whenever change is inflicted in any organization, the most crucial determinant of getting through the change process is the capability of the leaders of the organization to lead and manage during the process of change. To manage the change in an organizational effectively, it is very important to take the other employees into confidence towards the concept of change. The employees who would be affected by the change should know about the change, which is going to occur in their organization, and how is that change going to affect them. A leader can achieve this thing by creating a vision for the change in the organization; this vision should reflect the expected change in the organization. The importance of vision in the process of change management cannot be stressed enough; because otherwise the employees, who are working in the organization, would develop their own perception about the change. The development of a proper vision would help the employees develop proper perceptions about the expected changes in the organization through the help of the vision, which has been generated by the leader, and then they will develop perceptions about how the change would affect them. (Palmer 2005)

The concept of change is perceptive in our community, and a fact in the context of organizations. The concept of change can be defined as ...
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