Change Management

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Change Management, Transformational Management and Culture

Change Management, Transformational Management and Culture

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Organizational change is usually triggered by relevant environment shift, either internal or external, that sensed by companies and leads to intentionally generated response (French, Bell & Zawacki, 2006). Managing change effectively, the need for change that can occur at any level in a business's structure, but the more levels involved in the change the more complex is the task of effectively managing the change. Change is more likely to be successful when managers categorize the need for adjusting, set achievable goals, create a culture of change and responsive to the form of change. Identifying the need for change; the most important reason for change in a business is because it is no longer compatible with its environment. Another reason change is needed is when the culture of the business is not directed at performance. Many businesses need to change because they have no clear strategy or direction for the future. Staying still & doing the same thing each year is a dangerous course of action when the environment is constantly changing. A business will decline as it gets out of sync with the environment. Sometimes there is a need to change because the business's managers redefine the relevant environment for the business. It is not only just changes in the external environment that can create the need to change what is done in the business. Redefining their environment, and the need to make changes compatible with the new environment, will become increasingly important for the many Australian businesses intending to move into international markets and become globally competitive.

Auto Sales, must change and adapt as their customers and market change and as their competitors evolve. In my view leadership is the essence of successful change. The Kotter's eight-phase model proposed as followed. Phase1: Establish a sense of urgency because opportunities or crisis demand a change now. Phase2: Create a guiding team to form change agents with credibility, authority and skill to assist in the change process. Phase 3: Develop a change's vision and strategy. Phase4: Clearly communicate the change vision. Phase5: Empower the individuals involved in the change process by removing obstacles, changing structure, rewarding new ideas. For Phase6: Generate short-tem success, celebrate and reward early success. Phase7: Consolidate gains and continue change. Finally, Phase8: Make change stick to anchor new behavior into the culture. If the business is to growing proper, it must develop a vision that will stimulate progress within the organization. The most visionary ideas will include some invention, but they may also involve a large measure of innovation by taking existing ideas & adapting, extending or combining them to develop something new. Visionary managers are those who can develop their own ideas & they should first concern themselves with setting up a value system leading to the establishment of standards that will guide the practices of employees (Robbins & Coulter, 2007).

A key aspect of developing a plan will be the setting of achievable ...
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