Change Management

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Reflection and Critical Analysis of Change Management Process



Definition of Structure2

Structural Dimensions3

Organizational Performance and Size3

Incidence of Strikes and Size of Organization3

Organization Size and Turnover/Absenteeism4

Performance and Span of Control4

Hierarchy and Performance of an Organization5

Performance and Administrative intensity5

Structuring Dimensions6

Performance and Specialization6

Performance and Formalization6

Performance and Centralization7

Contingency Approach to Performance and Structural Relations7

Best Practice for Restructure9

Alignment of Behaviors and Jobs to the Strategy of the Organization9

Formation of Redeployment Process10

Critical Review of Change Mangement Process10

Changes in terms of Rate of Occurrence10

How Change Comes About12



Reflection and Critical Analysis of Change Management Process


Change is considered to be the main challenge in all types of organizations but mainly for the large and complex organizations. Change management is considered to be an important part of the organization. In the present business environment, there is a need for the organizations to continuously change themselves to adapt to the changing business environment. It has resulted in large amount of restructuring in the organizations and they now have more permeable external and internal boundaries and lesser levels of hierarchy. The change management process is managed through different theories and approaches. However, a single theory or approach that properly covers the entire change management process is absent. All the approaches which are available have some weak points due to which criticism is faced by every approach and theory of change management process. In this part of the assignment, the critical reflection of the restructuring process is explained to help in determining the appropriate approach for managing the change.


The structure of organization might be considered as the anatomy of the organization and provides a base on which the firm functions. It has been believed that the organizational structure affects the behavior of its members. This belief is on the basis of a general observation that the buildings consist of roofs, walls, exits, entries, stairways and halls. The structure that an organization has is one of the main determinants of the activities of the people working in it (Hall, 1977). In the same manner, the behavior in the organizations is affected by the structure of an organization. This affect on structure is pervasive.

Every organization has a structure which has two main functions. Each function affects the individual behavior and the performance of the organization. The structures of the organization are designed to regulate and minimize the effect of variation of individual level on the organization while the structure is considered to be the setting in which decision making is done, power is exercised and the activities of an organization are carried out. The structure at both subunit and organizational level affects the performance of an organization (Dan et al, 1980).

The association which is present between the variables of structure and performance in both private and public sector has been ignored. The organizational effectiveness and performance in the form of a dependent variable on the structure has been measured in many ways. Both subunits and the organization levels of the performance being the variables dependent on the structural dimension need to be considered ...
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