Change Management

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Change Management

Change Management

Answer 1


Top management and marketing activities are guided and coordinated through strategic planning. From marketing perspective strategic planning outlines what marketing actions to under take, why those actions are necessary, who is responsible or carrying them out, when and where the will be completed how they will be coordinated. It also describes the direction will pursue within its chosen environment and guides the allocation of resources and effort.

A good strategic plan incorporates four distinguishing features:1. An external orientation 2. A process for formulating strategies.3. Methods for strategic situations and alternatives 4. Commitment to action.(Source: Axelrod 2000)

Strategic plans give directions to Arrowhead ltd' efforts, dimensions of marketing research, consumer analyses, product planning, distribution planning, price planning.

Overall Arrowhead ltd objectives, different functional areas, assess strength & weaknesses in terms of competitors, allocating resources, procedures for assessing performance. Planning is valuable if and only if it creates a consensus on a definable future and sets forth rational action to get there. The key word is action. It's not the plan that's important; it's the process and the actions that result. The process is simply defining who you are, the nature of your market, which you want to be and how you will get there. The practice of law is what you do; it's not the business you are in. You are in the business of solving client problems. Therefore, analyze strengths and weaknesses consistent with your business. Utilize the best input available—current, past and prospective clients. Add the perspectives of your associates and staff and see how these groups view the partners and the firm. Strategic Planning for Performance Improvement

When World Class companies describe themselves, there are words that go off over and over: words such as customer, quality, and responsiveness. Core strategists of Arrowhead ltd., and supporting competencies then integrate these words with the operational intent at a deeper level. Even though these plants may not look or be physically alike and their products vary, the World Class Manufacturing Plants do think and act in similar ways. These similarities can then be categorized into thirteen major areas:Core Strategies The first four areas are core strategies and form the foundation for World Class performance

Corporate changes encompass a huge range of scale: from the entire Arrowhead ltd being bought, sold or merged, to a new business process being implemented or a new product being launched. At every level, changes need to be managed wisely and proficiently if the benefits identified by the changes are to be realized.

Change is always related with risk. Sometimes the risk comes from not the change itself but from identifying those changes in the wrong way, which may eventually lead the business in the wrong direction.So change needs to be managed efficiently, and the consequences for not doing so can be catastrophic. (Axelrod, Richard H.)Change Management in Arrowhead ltd.

The most apparent definition of 'change management' is that it refers to the job of managing change. This definition is not as simple as it may appear ...
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