Change Management

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Change Management

Change Management


Innovation and change has become a critical requirement for the businesses in this competitive marketplace. The management of change in an organisation requires effective skills and a proper and effective plan that supports the plans for a change and brings value addition to the products and services of the organisation. There are several processes and models recommended by researchers and skilful people in the industry. However, an organization cannot completely follow a single model or set of principles to apply on its organizational structure and processes. This paper discusses two studies that represents and effective plan or course of strategies that could be applied onto the organisational processes of the MyCommuniCo Company. The first study is Lewin's generic three- stage model for managing change and the other is Kotter's generic model of effective organizational change management. The authors of the two studies are Kurt Lewin and Jhon P. Kotter respectively.

Kurt Lewin has presented some critical processes of change management that could be applied in most of the organizational management practices and policies. The author has explained the impact of different forces inside and outside the organization that affects the structure and processes of the organization and the management of the abilities of the organization to manage such changes. The force field approach provided in the paper would help MyCommuniCo in identifying the reason for change in the individuals and groups of the organization that leads to the change in the organization (Lewin, 1967). The second study that is the Kotter's generic model of effective organizational change management provides a framework that could be implemented in such organizations where there is a requirement of the change and transformation process (Kotter, 1996). These studies will analyze keeping in view the needs and requirements of the current situation of MyCommuniCo and recommendations will be made according to the current change requirement for the company.

The Change Management Process

This section explores and evaluates the framework and process of change management as discussed by the authors of the selected studies. These points will then be applied to the organizational structure and change management process of MyCommuniCo. The exploration part discusses the aims of the authors that they try to achieve in their particular studies of change management, the main points claimed by the authors in their studies and the generalization of the claims of the authors regarding change management process in organizations. The evaluation part analyzes the evidences of the authors regarding the change management process, the extent to which these evidences can be applied on MyCommuniCo, the assumptions made by the authors in defining the main points related to the change management process, limitations of the studies, the acceptability of the claims of the authors in the context of MyCommuniCo, the support from other studies of change management used by the authors in explaining the process of change management and the consistency of the ideas of the authors with my experience at MyCommuniCo. These points pave a way for the recommendation ...
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