Change Management

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Change Management

Change Management

This paper will discuss and compare change management within two selected companies. The companies that I have chosen to compare are Apple Inc, and Marks & Spencer.

Change management in Apple

Apple has always believed in bringing continuous change in its processes and services. Apple has always put great emphasis on its employees for bringing the change in the organization. Apple at the time of its innovative structure grew faster as decisions made by the employees were from the diverse group of people which truly contributed success in the prosperity of apple. The corporate Apple's headquarter made the overall activates and policies be fulfilled and obeyed by the employees. These activities are assigned in such a way to facilitate employees in making day to day decisions in countries all over the world. Apples organizational culture mainly focuses upon (Bass, 2005).

Moreover, the organizational structure of Apple Inc is focused on mainly the empowerment to the employees. Job believed in giving the employees full liberty to think and act. The decision making are completely in the hands of the employees. At this time, Apple had a clearly defined structure that helped them to grow which opened the door for them as their employees were the biggest power for the company. The only fault they had in their structure was the lack of check and balance. The only problem was that the regional areas could not be focused accordingly, and as the structure focuses upon empowering of the employees, the financial losses incurred due to lack of check and control of the employees in different areas.

According to diverse sources, the behavior from which the organization is governed can be portrayed by analyzing the vision and mission followed by an organization. The vision of Apple Inc represents understanding of many organizational decisions taken at the company's history that reflect the organizational behavior of Apple Inc. The choice of a term such as "individuals” has at least one interesting implication that provides the idea of the individual decision-making autonomy which have always been subject to a work team and is strongly encouraged. Employees of Apple have often been encouraged to follow ideas and inclinations, and this has often led to development of successful products (Yukl, 2007). Similarly, customers are highly individualized which is a very intelligent step to retain them, making them feel in a unique way.

Change Management in Marks & Spencers

Organizations dynamics and ...
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