Change Management

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Change Management

Change Management

Selection, Application and Judgment Relevant to Learning from Change Theory

The digital revolution and the expansion of technology have opened alternative ways for modifications and amendments in the methodologies through which traditional newspapers were governed. Mobile and online versions of daily newspapers are experiencing a boom. These modernized trends pull audience and the company clientele from traditional paper-based publications. The newspapers are not only sources of providing information to their target audience but also used as an advertising medium (Algesheimer, Dholakia, Herrmann, 2005, 19-34). Therefore, the technological modifications in the newspaper industry have shifted the advertising budgets of the corporate sector towards the digital sources of advertising.

Technological obsolescence is one of the major factors that deteriorate business performance and efficiency. The analysis of the District Dispatch case study reveals that the organisation is suffering losses due to the emergence of technological mediums that have overcome the traditional newspaper market. In United Kingdom, the global trend has its own specifics; these specifics are parallel and interact freely with each other in the process. A study carried out on the online newspaper subscription in United Kingdom indicates that in the 2002, the number of online subscribers in the newspaper industry was no more than 1.1 billion. After three years, the number of online subscribers increased to 3.4 billion, and this figure increased by 2.7 billion in 2007. At the same time, the paper media continued to decline because it was considered obsolete and time consuming by its target market. The traditional newspapers not only lost their target readers but the corporate clients that used to consider newspaper as an effective advertising medium (Chyi, Lasorsa, 2002, 91-106).

In the 1990s, newspapers, by and large, joined the new media arena. Most of the daily newspapers in the United Kingdom established some kind of Internet presence; however, there was no evidence that could prove the website as a profitable medium. If the estimates that indicate that there are more than eight thousand online newspapers in existence are correct, then the number of online newspapers has already surpassed the number of traditional print newspapers that will severely affect the target market of District Dispatch. According to the analysis of the newspaper industry, it can be analyzed that the outflow of target readers and corporate advertising budgets are decline due to technological modifications (Dans, 2000, 4-13).

It is believed that this change in the industry will significantly decrease the consumptions of District Dispatch products. Therefore, it can be interpreted that the digital age has a significant influence over District Dispatch and leads it towards the extinction. Therefore, the implication of change is crucial in the organisation in order to sustain the effectiveness of the company. The introduction of i-Devour from District Dispatch can be considered as a righteous move at this point as the traditional concept of the product offered by District Dispatch is blurring; nonetheless, the survival of the organisation is at stake. The implication of this level of change by District Dispatch will directly influence ...
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