Change Management

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Change Management

Table of Contents

Organizational Background2


Identifying change management factors3

Planning and monitoring change5

Communication and Implementation of Change8



Change Management

Organizational Background

Chess Telecom is a mobile virtual network operating company hailing from Norway. Having originated in 1999, the company's customer base has grown by leaps and bounds and now it has about 500,000 customers. It was founded by A. Pressen and was later sold to an Idar Voilvik in 2002. It is owned by the network giant TeliaSonera, which is a sister company of NetCom. Chess Telecom faced ownership changes early on when it was built and, in 2006, the ownership was passed on to the Swedish MNC TeliaSonera, leaving behind the much revered Telenor network. This caused severe losses to the latter organization since the customers were moved from Telenor to the TeliaSonera network through Chess. In this paper, I will be analyzing the company's management strategies and how they could affect my work position as head of New Business Sales. Being an organization that is slowly losing its customers, it is imperative that quality control and management within the organization be changed to swifter, economically viable options. There needs to be several changes within the technological and administrative aspects of the organization, since it is lacking the substance needed to compete shoulder to shoulder with the rapidly enhancing telecommunications industry.

Since my area of work requires being in constant communication with potential new businesses and being able to understand their requirements, it ties in with the aspects of the organization that require change. If standards of the organization continue to fall as compared to the fiercely competitive telecommunications industry, the business sales will be severely affected and I will not be able to impact potential new clients with what we, as an organization, can offer. In order to successfully create and lead a sustainable change within the organization, a lot of planning and hard work is required from certain levels of management. If the top levels of management are able to comprehend the kind of changes the industry are adapting to, they will be able to properly address these issues and through a trickle-down effect, other levels of management within the organization can keep up too.


With the age of information, it is vital that organizations keep up with the ever-changing trends, and one can easily apply the term “survival of the fittest” to the industry. Many organizations have come and gone while trying to find their footing in the telecommunications industry (Apollo Group Inc, 2004). For Chess Telecom, in order to move ahead in the same it is imperative that the changes needed are identified.

Identifying change management factors

To clarify what kind of change management is needed in Chess Telecom, I will be conducting a SWOT analysis to audit the organization as well as the key factors in its environment causing it to fall behind.


Having joined the industry at a time when telecommunications were slowly gaining in popularity, Chess telecom has gained cost advantages over ...
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