Champion Equality, Diversity And Inclusion

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Champion Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Champion Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Disability refers to lack of competent power, strength, or physical or mental ability; incapacity or a permanent physical flaw, weakness or handicap, which prevents one from living a full normal life or from performing any specific job. Another definition of disability implies that society's perceptions and attitudes may be a part of the disability itself. This definition comes from the Union of the Physically Impaired against Segregation (UPIAS): In our view, it is a society which disables physically impaired people. Disability is something imposed on top of our impairments by the way; we are unnecessarily isolated and excluded from full participation in society. Thus I define disability as the disadvantage of restriction of activity caused by a contemporary social organization.

Learning disabilities is a general term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders that manifest in difficulties in the acquisition and use of skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning or mathematical abilities. The reasons why a disabled person cannot remain in their families of origin are diverse: these can be abandonment, death or illness of their parents or relatives, severe or profound disability that makes it impossible to care from family, adulthood and need personal independence, social and economic reasons.

I work work in Learning disability residential home. The home is a detached house at the end of a quiet residential cul-de-sac . We support up to six people with a learning disability aged 65 and over. Independence and involvement within the community are central to life at Manor Road and our committed staff members always ensure that people's individual needs are catered for. We are committed to making sure the house has a warm and friendly family atmosphere. At each mealtime, the people who live here and the staff members sit together around the large dining table in our spacious kitchen dining room.

The lounge and fully accessible garden are restful spaces to relax or socialise and our sensory room provides another place for quiet contemplation and stimulation.

Equality in terms of health services is very important for society. If a country wants to develop and prosper, it is important that it treats everyone equally and provide good health services to them. Each individual is important to the society with different talents and they must not be discriminated on the basis of cast or religion. When people in the society are healthier, they could contribute significantly to the society in a productive way that will yield good results in long run.

There are several instances that I have evidences with respect to equality, diversity and inclusion. Staff noticed that I treat all the Residents with equality and respect their opinions. I have a case to share in this regard, one evening JC came home unwell and we were all concerned as his mobility had also deteriorated. I called the doctor who could only see JC the next morning. JC was not willing to see the Doctor and rather wanted ...
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