Dillon V. Champion Jogbra

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Dillon V. Champion Jogbra

Dillon V. Champion Jogbra

What were the legal issues in this case?

The case is based on the former employee of Champion Jogbra, Linda Dillon who filed suit against her employer for wrongful termination. She believed that the company has conducted injustice action against her employment including breach of implied contract. According to her statement, the company terminated her without following its discipline policy written in the company handbook. However, according to the employer, the manual states policy guidelines only. Apart from this, Jogbra offers no employment contracts or any guarantee of the time period of employment. It also reserves the right to terminate any employee at any time at will or without any cause (Jennings, 2004).

According to Dillon, the company offered her new position in sales department. On her acceptance, the management promised her to provide extensive training and also give her some time period to get settled in the new job. But the training was not sufficient enough as her trainer was on the leave but took her time to provide her two days training. In this scenario, her supervisor reassured her that they will call the trainer back for some additional training. After the training, she felt comfortable with the job and soon she was called by the management and told her that they are sending her back to her old part time employment position which will be terminated in the month of December. Meanwhile, they also advised her to keep applying for other positions and see if she gets the job. She applied for some positions but was not selected for any job and according to her part time employment contract; she was terminated in the specified period. On her termination, she filed a lawsuit against her employment on wrongful termination. She also claimed ...
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