Challenging Behavior

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Challenging Behavior

Challenging Behavior


The interaction between the students and teachers is an essential thing to see the very core and essence of learning. The influence of the teachers on the students has its great part in molding students. Thus, interaction between the two distinct participants within the parameters of the classrooms is essential (BenTsvi-Mayer, 1995). Through the teachers' different characteristics and traits, it can be the basic medium to moderate the learning capability and the level of motivation of the students. To some extent the values and the interactions of teachers and learners has an impact on the behavior.

Behavior of children is a challenge for the teachers. This might be a cause of irritation for a teacher who is catering to a large class. The teachers may have to face a challenge with behavior to provide education. However the focus must be on the promotion of positive behavior. The behavior in school were traditionally defined by what and what is not acceptable, strategies to forcefully apply to maintain the discipline and punish what is defined as unacceptable behavior. Nowadays many schools have amended these rules in such a way that promotes positive behavior leading the children to learn what is acceptable in the context to school and reinforces positive behavior. However, the existence of such children whose behavior does not fall in the limit of norms will always be there in the school. Teachers should implement such effective system that promotes positive behavior as well as deal with the behavior that is damaging the learning ability and gain from education. This paper is going to talk about the challenging behavior and what is the reason it is instigated. Further it will be discussed the imposition of the teaching process that has an impact on the pupils.


Challenging behavior

Challenging behavior does not have a universal definition however; in social context it is a behavior that has a negative impact on the environment and the one who is executing it. The teachers consider a behavior challenge in some aspects such as

Behavior that affects others and one's own.

May become a challenge for the functions in school that are carried on daily basis

Challenge the staff's right and students safety

The intensity and the persistence level are beyond normal range of tolerance.

The reasons of challenging behavior

There are many reasons of children to behave in such a manner. Sometimes communication difficulties can result in challenging behavior. Children's inability to express needs or wants because of his difficulty in the use of the language or lack of understanding. This may result in an inappropriate behavior. The teacher must teach the acceptable way for communication, language therapist and speech guidance will help the student to behave.

Environmental factors may have a contribution. Noise, heat or invasion in their privacy may lead a child to react negatively. Some children are sensitive to the certain stimuli that cause them to react in an unacceptable manner.

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