Cesar Chavez

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Cesar Chavez

Cesar Chavez


In this paper we are going to evaluate leadership style of Cesar Chavez. Cesar Estrada Chavez was born on March 31, 1927. There he learned about injustice very young. As a child, Cesar did not like the school because he spoke Spanish at home and teachers were all Anglos and just wanted to talk in English. Throughout his life, education became his passion. Chavez began working in the field at 5 years of age. (Falstein, 1994).

Cesar Chavez was the founder of the Agricultural Worker Unit, which, since 1964, brought together migrant laborers, mostly Hispanic, to fight for improved working conditions. Cesar Chavez came from a family of immigrants of Mexican origin employed in agricultural work. His childhood was played out a series of labor camps in California and Arizona, where he started working from early childhood. Recently went to school, which left before the end of compulsory education. Chavez was open to all in need. Slowly, César started recruiting other leaders to help him. In 1962 Chavez, along with Dolores Huerta, founded the National Farm Workers Association (National Association of Field Workers), which later became the UFW (United Farm Worker / United Farm Labradors). Richard Chavez, brother, designed the UFW Eagle representative. Cesar was the one who decided to use the colors red and black for the eagle. Chavez said the UFW flag was "a very important symbol (Taylor, 2005). Why we chose the Aztec eagle. To be proud when people see the flag that represents dignity know.


Cesar Estrada Chavez mission was to help people to prepare to change their own communities.


Following are some of his values

Celebrating Community


A Preference to Help the Most Needy

Respect for Life and the Environment





Acceptance of all People

Service to Others


Chavez had democratic leadership style, he was major single figurehead. ...
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