Certified Personal Training

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Certified Personal Training

Essay 1

Surface muscles provide the force necessary to move bones forming the joint in the muscles. In order to perform movements in the joint, you need to - the surface muscle attached to the end of the bones forming the joint, and the beginning of another. Surface muscles cause motion when its reduction, i.e. reducing the length and thickening, and subsequent relaxation. In no case do not expand like elastic bands. Surface muscles work in pairs or groups, rhythmically contracting and relaxing, thus forming the balance of power, and if the reduced group of surface muscles of the anterior surface of the body, relaxes surface muscles of the back surface of the group, if reduced lateral group of surface muscles on one side, then relax surface muscle groups on the other. Even when you are just standing, your surface muscles are constantly working to provide body balance so you do not fall under gravity. The surface muscles also provide a performance of volitional movements, for example, in a presentation to a glass to your mouth or when you want to bend over, that is, those movements which controlled by you (Delavier, 21).

If a surface muscle or surface muscle group for any reason not completely effective, there comes an imbalance and instability of motion, and you may fall off, leaning (and even pour a glass of the precious liquid!). Weakness in any part of the body compensated by the power of the other part, but if after a while compensating part for any reason, weakens, imbalance occurs. For example, if you have damaged right knee joint or surrounding surface muscles, on the left knee drops additional load. If problems with the right knee eliminated for a long time, then the overloaded left knee may also fail, and your problem doubled, because the knee performs a very valuable function, because they typically take on the weight of your body when moving, your ability to move very limited.

Essay 2

Newton's first law states that Everybody perseveres in its state of rest or rectilinear uniform motion unless it forces to change its state by forces impressed upon it. According to Newton's second law he states change of motion is proportional to the driving force occurs as printed and the straight line along which the force printed. The third law states that with every action occur whenever an equal and opposite reaction: that is, the mutual actions of two bodies are always equal and directed in the opposite direction. It is very common against Newton's laws applied in daily life; sports are one of the activities that clearly demonstrate this.

Newton's first law, also known as law of inertia tells us that if a body is not acting any other, it will remain indefinitely in a straight line moving with constant velocity (including the resting state, which is equivalent to zero speed).

This law found for example, in hockey when the puck tends to preserve its speed and direction before intercepted with a hockey stick.

The Newton's Second ...
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