Ceo's Speech

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CEO's Speech

CEO's Speech


An organization is only as strong as its weakest link. I would say the reason why we have grown from a tiny business into a multinational corporation is because we have employees like you. Employees who are so focused and dedicated to their organization that there is no weak link. I say an organization is only as strong as its weakest employee and we have none. With that, I [Mr. ABC] would like to introduce myself as your new Chief Operating Officer and thank each one of you for your contribution towards our corporation.

It has been a long journey. When we started off, we were nothing more than a brilliant idea and a handful of motivated people. Today, we are a lot more. Today we are one of the best organizations in the world with some of the finest people working for us. And it hasn't been easy. We all know that. This place that we are in, it wouldn't have been possible if each one of us had not given his hundred percent to the organization. Where we are today is the collective effort of each one of you.

[What the company expects from the employees]

I strongly believe that each one of you is like a pillar of this organization. Or to put it in other words, our employees are like the veins of the organization. We cannot function unless you function. We cannot operate unless you all are operational. We cannot be strong if you are not strong.

As the CEO, I speak as the voice of the organization which we hold so close to our hearts. We have never expected anything less than utmost dedication and loyalty from you and we never shall. Hard work, dedication and commitment are words that hold a lot of value to me and this organization. When I was being appointed as the CEO, I was told that as the CEO I shall be the face and image of this organization. I disagree. It is you who are the image of this organization and it is your hard work and dedication that shall become the face of this organization. This company is as much yours as it is mine. We are all accountable for its growth, prosperity and success. If I do not do my work with efficiency and commitment, I am as accountable as any one of you. If I lag behind then I would not consider myself worthy of asking you to perform but if I give two hundred percent to this organization then I would not expect anything less from any one of you.

[What the employees can expect from the new CEO]

The first thing that you can expect from me is change. I aim to make the communication system flatter. Every one of you has the right to contribute towards the organization and each one of you has the right to come forward with ideas and suggestions. This is your company. There should be no stopping you from making it ...
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