Centre Georges Pompidou

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Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris


Art and architecture is a major element of historical literature. Numerous historians have indicated their passionate love for architecture in their literature. This paper presents a vehement critical analysis of the architecture, inception, design, and popularity of a marvel called Centre Georges Pompidou. This building was chosen due to its unique and controversial appearance and purpose. This phenomenal and grandeur master piece stands in the romantic city of Paris and has been radiating the message of high tech era and modernism into the hearts of Parisians and tourists since 31st January, 1977. Centre Georges Pompidou has not only created a giant leap in the French history but has also depicted itself as the paradigm of modernism with mixture of English and Italian gist. Both these architects overcame the language barrier and proposed adequate reforms in the traditional magnificent architectural thoughts.

The thought of France brings in a rich aroma of art and architecture. It is a country that houses some of the most ancient construction spectacles and tourist from all around the world visit this country. It is a tourist attraction for not only Eiffel Towers but there are other places that intricately engage the tourist into its rich essence of modernism and cultural fusion. Centre Georges Pompidou is one of these modern architectural wonders. The English architect Renzo Piano and the Italian architect Richard Rogers both worked hand in hand to build a wonder that would amaze the world for centuries to come. The day when the construction was completed in the year 1977 it was a historical moment in the lives of Parisians and in the history of European architecture. The pages to come will appropriately analyze the design and implications of the Centre Georges Pompidou on the needs of public desires.


History of Architecture in France

Architecture in France is regarded as the most marvelous accomplishment in the history of Europe. The inception of the ideology of traditional architecture was laid with the foundation of Academy of Architecture in 1671 (Braham, 1980). Then arrived the innovative period of Renaissance. This was time when the French essence and Italian conception amalgamation was reinvented in the region. The revival of Gothic architecture in the 19th century was zealously adopted all over France. Architect Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc was the pioneer in the implementation of this idea. He was the builder of the most emblematic monuments in France such as Notre Dame in Paris. This was the period when Napoleon III was extensively modernizing the city of Paris. The transition from the medieval period to the modern France was devotedly dependent on the architecture. This invited tourist from all over the world and France turned into the most visited place in Europe (Bergdoll, 2000). The five most commonly seen French architecture design are:

Gothic: This style of French architecture lasted from the year 1100 to 1450. Many cathedrals were built with exceptionally soaring ...
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