Causal Analysis Argument About The Media Instructions

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Causal analysis argument about the media instructions

Causal analysis argument about the media instructions

Negatives effects of media on American Culture

Positive effects of television on American culture


In modern era, diverse forms of media have predicted several problems in our daily lives, and there is not denying the fact that media has the power and ability of altering the perception of public particularly young children by changing or altering the theme on various media programs. Moreover, perception and ideas of people's can be twisted by analyzing their sight on certain issues. For example, children after watching television and movies tries to copy these acts, fashion and other things in their real lives.

On the other hand, instead of creating awareness in the mind of children regarding shows or things that are designed for adult, the majority of the media also plays an important role in inserting specific concept of image into the mind of the children. For example, several movies tend to form a stereotype image of particular groups like movies presenting how an individual having a beard is acting like a terrorist or some young comedy movies shows that indulging in sexual act in school is a sign of manhood.

The media industry has witnessed comprehensive growth in recent years and has provided public with the option of selecting from different forms of media as a means of information gathering, sharing, and collection. However, selection of media format and ways through which information security issues are described by every media plays an important role in making important decision and in changing the perception and life style of people. this simply means that in today's era people are getting information from so many sources that it has become very difficult for us to identify the authentic and correct information from information that are dubious or inappropriate.

It has been observed that young generations are primarily affected by television and movies because both of them are visual form of media and approximately every person is exposed to these forms mainly because they are easily accessible and offer the maximum intensity of motivation. Despite of being so visually motivating it could be argued that both these forms of media has a unusual sort of impact on the lives of people, for instance, things that children observe on TV would subsequently effort to identify the perception of public regarding several problems. For example, if different shows on TV continue presenting youth using different cosmetics, and the kids continue witnessing similar descriptions, metaphors, ideas, as disclosed on associated media like magazines and internet, than probability of copying these ideas in real life becomes very high.

Thus, it could be argued that images, ideas disclosed in movies and TV shows forces people to develop similar thoughts, philosophy, approach, and label regarding nation and proceedings close to them by disclosing what the owner of the shows and movies wants people to observe and these things might or might not be true. As discussed above the movies and television shows forces ...
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