Casey Anthony Death Penalty

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Casey Anthony Death Penalty

Casey Anthony Death Penalty


The 22-year-old Casey Anthony was arrested on Tuesday in Orange County in the U.S. state of Florida, during a police raid. Traffic police had watched the young mother was switched to the highway in another car. The officials feared that the woman trying to escape: In the early morning she had been indicted in seven points from a court in the case of the disappearance of her daughter. The whole country was holding its breath as the twelve jurors entered the courtroom Tuesday afternoon in Orlando and the chairman, Judge Belvin Perry Jr., a stack of papers into my hand. It said the decision in the case of 25-year-old Casey Anthony. It read: Not guilty. Anthony was the most serious murder of her daughter Caylee indicted. If found guilty the maximum penalty she faced, the sun is in the State of Florida: death by lethal injection. The jury believes Casey Anthony had only four cases were guilty of having lied to the investigators. The exact sentence will be on Thursday (07/07/2011) announced. Anthony has to reckon with up to four years in prison (Garvin, 2011).

Supposedly, a young man took care of the two-year-old

The prosecution was jubilant outright whether the clear evidence that they could muster during the six-week process. The outcome of the trial seemed clear that the jury verdict form only thing. There was the packing tape, the traces of chloroform, the strange behavior of the mother and not least their extravagant lifestyles. It took 31 days until Casey Anthony in June 2008 reported the disappearance of her two year old daughter Caylee police. And that's only because her mother had urged. Their parents had protested against Anthony, she had met a young man who also had a daughter and now for some time to take care of Caylee. 31 days. In particular, female trial observers saw this as the clearest evidence of Anthony's guilt. Six months later, in December 2008, the remains of Caylee in a wooded area in Florida have been discovered. Hardly identifiable. Thrown away like a sack of garbage.

The girl's mouth was caked with sticky tape. Cause of death asphyxiation. In addition, there were remnants of chloroform, with which the child was obviously stunned. Quickly, the single mother came to the attention of investigators. Her erratic lifestyle, parties, frequently changing partners. The child had been her burden, the prosecution claimed. Anthony had killed it because they wanted to get rid of it (Helling, 2009).

But just an accident?

During the public process - in the U.S. media chased a special program to the next, live goes out of the court itself - a home video of Casey has been shown to see where a mother who plays just as loving as omitted with her daughter. Was her death was just an accident? Casey Anthony's attorneys had said, Caylee was drowned in the swimming pool of the family.

Confusion caused the appearance of Casey's father George, who reported on the witness ...
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