Florida Vs. Casey Anthony

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Florida vs. Casey Anthony


The research discusses the court case Florida vs. Casey Anthony and identifies the significant facts and background of the trial. The prosecutors seemed certain that Casey Anthony, mother of the deceased Caylee Marie Anthony, killed her daughter. Furthermore, the study also highlights the reactions of the public as Casey was acquitted of the charges of murder.

Florida vs. Casey Anthony


The curtain came down a few days ago on one of the famous criminal cases, which had the attention of the American public and the media over the past three months. The issue concerned Casey Anthony and murder of a two-year old, Caylee Marie Anthony. Casey was acquitted, but she was charged for lying to law enforcement authorities. The complaint was reported to the local police, in Florida, that the child was missing a month ago. The police continued to search for the missing child until her body was found in one of the landfills, wrapped in several garbage bags with a duct tape on her mouth. Based on police investigations and investigations by the prosecution, the prosecutor issued a decision to charge Casey Anthony on the basis of the commission of seven crimes, three for murder and four for lying to law enforcement authorities.


On 14th October, 2008, the trial against Casey Anthony, mother of Caylee Marie Anthony the disappeared, began, charging the mother for killing her child who was only 2 years and 10 months old. The defense plead that Casey never hurt her daughter and she was not guilty to all charges (Liston, 2011).

The Background to the Case

As it can be recalled, the child and her mother lived with the grandparents of the girl, when suddenly, on June 16th, Casey Anthony left the house taking the baby. For a whole month, the grandparents requested to see their granddaughter, but they argued that Casey Anthony was too busy at work in Tampa and that she was well and even hired a nanny for Caylee. On July 15th, 2008, the grandmother of the minor Cindy Anthony reported to the local Florida Police that Caylee was missing.

Research and Discovery

At the beginning of the investigation, Casey Anthony gave conflicting information and claimed that she was with a babysitter. Neither friends nor anyone else including the grandparents went to see the baby. In August and then in December of that year, they found human remains in a wooded area near the house of the grandparents. These remains were examined and it was found to be those of the missing child (Yunji, 2011). The coroner ruled her death and Casey Anthony was arrested on several occasions and later released. In April 2009, the prosecutor announced that he would seek the death penalty in this case.

The Trial

Finally the case reached the trial court in Orlando, Florida, and Casey Anthony was charged with first degree murder. Her defense attorney Jose Baez in the opening statement said that the girl did not disappear for 31 days, but the little girl accidentally drowned in the pool at his ...
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